Taking diet pills is a temporary solution to a long term problem. The best diet plan is to lose weight by eating healthy, exercise regularly and think positive. Having a goal is a good start, but the goal must be […]
All posts in: Quotes [ Lesson for Life ]
63 Positive Parenting Quotes On Raising Children And Be A Better Parent
How to be a better parent? There is a Chinese proverb that goes: “Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time.” I remember clearly how I was told I had no future […]
30 Happy Easter Quotes – A New Beginning And Second Chance
The celebration of Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, is a religious observance and a week-long holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It also happens that Spring is around the corner, thus the witness of flower blooming […]
53 Best Lessons For Life Quotes And Disappointments
Life may not be perfect, it may not be what you expect it to be, at the end of the day, life is never meant to be perfect, it is a journey. Without these sad moments, these bad experiences, how […]
36 Lovely Romantic Quotes And Wedding Vows For An Inspiring Toast Or Speech
The best ideas or gifts for a wedding ceremony or wedding anniversary is none other than a good toast, as the saying goes, “Words are powerful. They can create or they can destroy, so choose your words wisely.” For those […]
12 Inspiring Quotes from Pele the Greatest Football Legend
Edson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as Pelé is one of the greatest footballers ever. According to the IFFHS, Pelé is the most successful league goal scorer in the world, with 541 league goals. In total Pelé scored 1281 goals […]
20 Quotes About Photography By Famous Photographer
As the old saying goes, the best camera is the one that is always with you. You will love their previous review on Nokia Lumia 1020. Remember, it is not the tool, it is the skill. A skillful photographer will […]
40 ‘iPhone Wallpapers’ With Positive Words To Say To Your Child Daily
As parents, sometimes we do get frustrated at our children, we’ve all been there, we are just humans. However, we should develop a habit of using more positive words on a daily basis for our child. These little encouragement on […]
40 Best Chinese Fortune Cookies’ Quotes & Sayings About Life
Fortune cookies are often served as a dessert in Chinese restaurants in the United States and some other countries, but are absent in China. The exact origin of fortune cookies is unclear, though various immigrant groups in California claim to […]
42 Funny Atheist Quotes About God’s Existence, Fate And Life
Atheism is unstoppable and growing rapidly in almost every developed country, including Japan. This is probably due to better education and the ability to question what once was thought to be a sin – to question religious authorities. Don’t get […]
14 Inspiring Li Ka Shing Life Lessons and Business Quotes
Li Ka Shing [ Wikipedia ], better known as Superman Li in the Chinese world, is the richest Chinese businessman and the richest man in Asia with a net worth of USD30 billion at the time of writing. He is […]
10 Quotes On Real Estate Investing And Property Investment
Prior to 2008, Americans were drowning themselves with mortgage debts, either via flipping with zero down-payment or refinancing their houses for extra cash to spend on holidays. After the Great Recession, it was Asia’s turn to drown themselves in housing […]
80 Best Quotes On Stock Market Investment And Financial Management
Recession 2020 is here due to Covid-19 virus. Here are some famous investment quotes by successful investors. Before you begin in this field, ask yourself, are you an entrepreneur, trader, investor or flipper? A flipper, also known as day trader […]
10 Great Quotes On The Global Economic, Current Recession and Depression
What is recession? Just like humans, they breathe in and out, and just like economies, it cycles between growth and recession. Without recession there will be no growth and vice versa. With the coming Recession in 2020, some may see […]
18 Brilliant Charlie Munger Quotes On Wall Street And Investment
Charles Thomas Munger is an American investor, businessman, and philanthropist. He is better known as the right hand man of Warren Buffet. He is vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate controlled by Warren Buffett. Just like Warren, Munger was […]