7 Free Tools To Change Photo’s Exif Data, Remove Metadata And Hide Dates

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How to change the data and properties on a Jpeg, Tiff or RAW image file format? If you’re searching for a freeware that does simple exif editing, look no further. Microsoft Windows Explorer has the capability to edit exif data. You can change the description, tags, authors, copyright information, data modified and many more.

Continue ➤ 4 Free FBI & CSI Digital Photo Forensic Tools To Analyze Fake Photos

However, for those looking for a more powerful metadata editor, this article has a simple list of freeware that enables you to change exif data of photos. Just for your information, photo metadata allows information to be transported with an image file, in a way that can be understood by other software, hardware, and end users, regardless of the format. By modifying these metadata, it doesn’t mean you have successfully fooled the police, there will always be digital breadcrumbs that are traceable.

1. AnalogExif

free windows mac exif editor

AnalogExif is a free metadata editor for the scanned films and DSC-captured digital images. Modification of the most EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata tags for JPEG and TIFF files.

  • Modification of the most EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata tags for JPEG and TIFF files
  • Equipment library to store metadata properties of the film cameras and other analog equipment
  • Custom XMP schema for film camera properties (e.g. film name, exposure number etc.) and user-defined XMP schema for extra flexibility
  • Batch operations (copy metadata from another file, auto-fill exposure number)
  • Customizable set of the supported metadata tags

2. ExifTool GUI

ExifTool GUI

This is perhaps one of the most powerful Exif editors. Runs on both Microsoft Windows and macOS, ExifTool is a powerful editor that reads, writes and edits meta information in a wide variety of files.

ExifTool supports many different metadata formats including EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP and ID3, as well as the maker notes of many digital cameras by Canon, Casio, FLIR, FujiFilm, GE, HP, JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Phase One, Reconyx, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.

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3. Exif Pilot

Exif Pilot

Exif Pilot is a Free EXIF Editor that allows you to manipulate METAdata within image files. The free version doesn’t come with batch processing, you’ll be required to pay a small fee for the addon plugin.

  • View EXIF, EXIF GPS, IPTC, and XMP data.
  • Edit, create EXIF, EXIF GPS, IPTC, and XMP.
  • Remove EXIF, IPTC tags, and clean up all metadata
  • Add, edit, and remove keywords.
  • Import/export EXIF and IPTC from/to XML files.
  • Import/export EXIF and IPTC from/to MS Excel files.
  • Import/export EXIF and IPTC from/to Text files in CSV format.

4. EXIFManager


EXIFManager is a free software that allows users to quickly enter image description / user comment / author on a set of pictures, inside the EXIF data and also to rename pictures files using EXIF data and a powerful format editor.

5. Metadata++


Metadata++ is a powerful yet easy to use freeware tool to view, edit, modify, extract, copy metadata of various file formats. Metadata++ is designed to be as fast as possible: quick navigation among directories, fast directories reading, fast and smooth painting of panels and thumbnails. Metadata++ is portable, it is configured to store all configuration and settings in the same folder that it is run from.

6. EXIF Date Changer Lite

EXIF Date Changer Lite

Almost all digital cameras record and store various camera settings, scene information, date/time the photo was taken etc as Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) data. This metadata is stored within the image file and won’t get lost or overwritten when copying or transferring your photos to other computers. EXIF Date Changer Lite enables you to quickly and easily adjust the date/time taken on your photos and scanned images.

  • Adjust or set the ‘ date time taken’ of your digital photos – Compensate for incorrect camera settings or different time zones within seconds across an entire folder of images.
  • Process selected images or batch process entire folders of images – Quickly and easily select the required images by either selecting a folder or individual images.
See More ➤  7 Free Batch Image Resizing, Renaming, Conversion And Watermarking

7. GeoSetter


GeoSetter is a freeware tool for Windows for showing and changing geo data and other metadata (IPTC/XMP/Exif) of image files (e.g. images taken by digital cameras). The embedded map of GeoSetter doesn’t work on Windows, please see my short explanation here.

  • Reads and writes the formats JPEG and TIFF as well as camera RAW formats DNG (Adobe), CRW, CR2 and THM (Canon), NEF and NRW (Nikon), MRW (Konica Minolta), PEF (Pentax), ORF (Olympus), ARW, SR2, SRF (Sony) and RAF (Fujifilm), RW2 and RAW (Panasonic), RWL (Leica)
  • Uses ExifTool by Phil Harvey for writing data
  • Shows existing geo coordinates, image directions and tracks on embedded Google Maps map (requires internet connection)
  • Setting geo data by using embedded Google Maps map (requires internet connection) or by entering known values for coordinates and altitude directly
  • Automatic filling of location IPTC fields and altitude values (requires internet connection)
  • Editable IPTC data (IPTC-NAA/XMP)
  • Possibility to change taken date of images
  • Synchronization with track files (NMEA, GPX, PLT, Sony LOG, IGC and others)
  • Synchronization with already geo tagged images with buddy images (e.g. between RAW images and their corresponding JPEG images)
  • Google Earth export


  1. Gravatar
    Catherine [ Reply ]

    Why to fake camera details? I believe it’s better to delete them with the help of tools such as EXIFCleaner by Superutils, instead of putting inaccurate data.

    • Gravatar
      Robin Parrish [ Reply ]

      Exif data typically includes the date and time the picture was … right clicking on it and selecting “Properties” from the menu

    • Gravatar

      Because camera date/time was set wrong

    • Gravatar
      martin [ Reply ]

      Having scanned photos that are about 60 years old, I don’t want the scanned date (ie today) as date taken.

    • Gravatar

      If you have an older version of photoshop you can open a raw file created from a newer camera, no need to spend money in a new photoshop version. So it has its advantage to change the exif camera info, saves you money

    • Gravatar

      I use an exif editor to add GPS and tags. Sure, I could do it in Lightroom, but if the Lightroom catalog becomes corrupt, I lose all that data.

    • Gravatar

      When I put photos into my girlfriend’s photoframe, the orientation is wrong, despite rotating on the computer. I need to get into the metadata to change the orientation there.

    • Gravatar

      Because files on old PhotoCDs (from the early 2000s) ALL have the same EXACT date and timestamp, and only valid on the day the film negative was processed and scanned.

    • Gravatar

      because if you are an activist and want to disseminate information, then you don’t want the FBI tracing you through metadata. The head of the FBI actually stated “we kill people with metadata”

    • Gravatar
      Brenda Merten [ Reply ]

      I use a tool called MetaCleaner, easily the best I have used.

    • Gravatar
      Barwick Green [ Reply ]

      If you shoot film and scan the negatives, the EXIF data will be for the scanner not the camera. Tools like this are then vital, you aren’t “faking” anything, you are providing the true information about the camera, lens and film used to take the picture.

  2. Gravatar
    Varun Krish [ Reply ]

    why not Download EXIF Date Changer 3? it is simple and easier

  3. Gravatar
    ZamZam [ Reply ]

    are there any good Free Exif Editor?

    • Gravatar
      Toby Robert [ Reply ]

      Hi. If you are using windows, Quick Exif Editor. I am now trying to find a decent one for my Mac.

      • Gravatar
        Neil Kerry [ Reply ]

        Toby – did you find anything for Mac?

        • Gravatar

          Hello Mates,
          Try the MetaEditor by Picvario, it’s online free program, so you can edit metadata from any device.

    • Gravatar
      tvking63 [ Reply ]

      These are all free.

  4. Gravatar
    Adam Pash [ Reply ]

    are there any more Tools for Reading and Editing Exif Data of Photographs apart from this? thanks!

    • Gravatar
      Tim Fisher [ Reply ]

      How to change the data and properties on a Jpeg, Tiff or RAW file format?

      • Gravatar

        EXIF Date Changer will update JPEG and RAW file formats but for batch updating of many files at once, it does require the Pro version.

      • Gravatar

        With Metadata++

  5. Gravatar
    microsoft [ Reply ]

    great tutorial on how Can I Edit My Photo Metadata? thanks mate

  6. Gravatar

    this can be done easily with the View EXIF Digital Photo Data in Mac OS X

  7. Gravatar
    Yaara Lancet [ Reply ]

    how can i change exif data in windows 8?

  8. Gravatar
    Raymond [ Reply ]

    I know free online tool for editing EXIF, IPTC data: https://www.imgonline.com.ua/eng/exif-editor.php
    Or here you can delete all metadata from jpeg picture without loss of quality: https://www.imgonline.com.ua/eng/delete-exif.php

  9. Gravatar

    If you want to process only a few photos, I suggest using an online tool. For example you do not need to install anything or for a long time to understand the options. Fix can not only Exif :-)

  10. Gravatar

    You can also use KrojamSoft PhotoViewerPro.

    You can choose from wide range of eye-catching effects! And control the intensity of Looks…..

  11. Gravatar
    OverIt [ Reply ]

    You are a group of gentlemen and are of good will. “Some” men are not and take photos to “prove” they are somewhere (at a store) when they are in fact cheating in some way. If I have received 100 photos, all with exif data, and then all of a sudden receive a random shots while he’s “grocery shopping” or “working out” that are stripped? Why hide when there is nothing is to hide?

  12. Gravatar
    Scott Carey [ Reply ]

    Just: “wow”! Your indicating AnalogExif was a real life saver for me, as I’d spent the last couple of hours searching for something that did all those settings (ISO, aperture, etc.) and I either ended up stubling upon someone’s recommendation of ExifTools (which, though a great tool, didn’t have anything in its documentation saying it could do just that) or some defunct hybrid Android/iOs-Windows app.

  13. Gravatar

    I’m very suspicious of a particular sample image on the Canon website, regarding the 5DS – 50 megapixel camera. There is an image taken from (most likely a helicopter) , of Yokohama, Japan…its clarity and resolution is beyond even what an 8×10 film camera could do. I’ve worked with large format field cameras for over 30 years. It’s simply impossible resolution. I have printed this image out at 54×36 inches. It’s not to be believed. Thus, i don’t trust the exif data in this image. Could the exif metadata have been altered? I do not want to spend $5,000 on this camera, only to be duped in the end.

  14. Gravatar

    Analog Exif just never installed. Ran through super fast and left two unusable files on its folder. Win 7 HP 64

  15. Gravatar

    What is this? ExifTool, when I followed the instructions, flashed a command window for 1/10th second and that was it. Useless. That’s 2 of 3 now.

    • Gravatar

      ExifTool, as is, is a command line tool, so, it’s not accessible for everybody but really impressive and practical for batch processing. A GUI exists for ExifTool, called ExifToolGUI, and I think you have to try this to change your opinion about this software…

  16. Gravatar
    Eugene [ Reply ]

    Is there any way to recover pictures which were regained by recovery tools after previously deleted. Now pictures are “unreadable”. I expected that internal data structures are partially deleted. Since they have a quite large size so I think it may contains most of the HEX data.

  17. Gravatar
    Mark Gilbert [ Reply ]

    Best program hands down is the GEOSETTER!

    Forgot link to site! https://geosetter.de/en/main-en/

    Totally free but you are welcome to donate. I use it to help people with massive photo libraries that need EXIF data updated with information on photos taken before this information was embedded.

    Then when importing to Google Photos, Google Photos is able to read location data etc.

    Bulk editing and ability to create favorites to apply to large quantities of photos!

  18. Gravatar
    elhierro [ Reply ]

    XnViewMP a better tool, for managing metadata .
    Free for personnal use.

    • Gravatar

      xnviewmp is a waste of time, it does not work

  19. Gravatar

    I’m looking for a plugin that lets me edit/remove EXIF data into WordPress.

    Is there a plugin available for that?

    Thank you

    • Gravatar
      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      There are plugins that remove exif data when you upload, as for after you upload, I am not sure.

  20. Gravatar
    Kome Cafe [ Reply ]

    Don’t have software portable for windows?

  21. Gravatar
    Alberto Mora [ Reply ]

    Metadata+++ the best program to fix your metadata mistakes like forgetting to change the clock to your camera when traveling to another time Zone or when changing from winter time to summer time and also fixing GMT difference with your local time with your JPG and MP4
    videos (Canon Cameras base there time with GMT) you can fix everything with this APP, FIVE STARS to this APP

  22. Gravatar
    Namexif download [ Reply ]

    You can also change EXIF data on your images using Namexif.

  23. Gravatar

    Try to use Exifer. IMHO it’s the best solution for edit and manage EXIF/ITPC metadata. And it’s free! Sad, but it doesn’t work perfectly under Windows 10. Latest version is 2.15 (build 263) from year 2002 and will no more updated :(

  24. Gravatar

    Is there a way to edit EXIF data inside photoshop? I’m trying to change gps data.

  25. Gravatar
    Pierre [ Reply ]

    Is there a way to edit EXIF data in RAW (ARW) pictures ?
    I would like to fill the lens informations data (brand, model & max. aperture) when I use not recognised lenses (old stuff from other brand) on my camera.
    And if possible, for a lot of pictures at once.

    • Gravatar

      Hi, I think u can take a photo from your camera. After that, export this metadata. Lastly, import them to your target photos.

  26. Gravatar

    Metadata ++ is the best for import Metadata from a photo to another. But it still have some bugs when using. Such as bug when right click on need-to-change-metadata photo and select import. You can use another way to do this.

  27. Gravatar
    SOUMYA [ Reply ]

    Hey, I want to know about ExifRead Software, is that also help to change the metadata or other info?.

  28. Gravatar

    ExifToolGUI is best (portable windows 64 version)
    Metadata ++ use too ‘exiftool.exe’ for editor

  29. Gravatar
    D James [ Reply ]

    AnalogExif will not work on a Mac. Only programs obtained via the Apple Store will be allowed.

  30. Gravatar
    Pieter [ Reply ]

    Question: is there a tool that updates the file date/time to the date/time that the photo was taken (i.e from the Exif data)?

  31. Gravatar

    JpgKeywords – Specialized only for keywords in JPG files (IPTC metadata). Does only one thing, but does it well. Useful if you want to tag many personal photos.

  32. Gravatar
    Photographer [ Reply ]

    I noticed just that when I edit JPEG metadata with Windows 7, example if I add tags or something text to Author place then the file size drops little bit. Is there bug in Windows??

  33. Gravatar

    I use GeoSetter for many, many years now, its very intuitive and has a lot of options

  34. Gravatar

    BatchPurifier Lite is a freeware for Windows that lets you easily remove all metadata from jpg pictures fast.

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