5 FBI And CSI Photo Enhancing Software – Reduce Blur And Sharpen Text In Images

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When a photo is blurry or pixelated, the best way to sharpen it is to have a series of photos for the computer to analyze. This is how NASA sharpens their images by capturing as many shot and then enhancing it. The more information, the sharper it is. If possible, avoid photo enhancing software as your must have tool, if you need to recover details and sharpen your blurred photos with FBI and CIA equivalent image enhancement software too often, perhaps it is time to invest in better equipment for your professional needs.

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In this video they will cover a number of ways to sharpen your photos in Adobe Photoshop, including beginner and advanced tools, as well as discuss what sharpening is and how it works. They will discuss the techniques in the context of an architecture image and a portrait but they apply equally to all types of photography. The specific sharpening tools that they will cover include:

  • Unsharp-Mask
  • Smart Sharpening
  • Camera Shake Removal in Photoshop CC
  • Multiple high pass filter sharpening methods
  • Frequency separation based sharpening

1. Amped FIVE Professional

Amped FIVE Professional

Amped FIVE is the leading forensic image and video enhancement software and is acclaimed for its simplicity, ease-of-use and completeness. Amped FIVE is specifically designed for investigative, forensic, military and security applications. Its primary purpose is to provide a complete solution to process and restore, clarify, and analyze images and video in a simple, fast, and precise way.

Amped FIVE is used by the world’s top forensic labs, law enforcement, government, military, and security organizations. Municipalities, court experts and private companies working in the surveillance and forensic fields also benefit from this revolutionary solution.

2. Robust Motion Deblurring System

Robust Motion Deblurring System

Software and methods offering incredibly fast and robust blur removal solutions to fix blurry photos. They proposed an efficient and high-quality kernel estimation method based on using the spatial prior and the iterative support detection (ISD) kernel refinement to restore pictures from significant motion blur. Their method can estimate very large blur kernels (i.e., PSFs) and remove significant blur quickly without much hand-tuning.

  • It incorporated the latest powerful blind deconvolution technologies to remove camera shake.
  • It is capable of handling large blur kernels.
  • The blur kernel sizes for most natural images can be determined automatically .
  • It can recover subtle structures and fine details.
  • The CPU code is well optimized; GPU feature is also enabled.
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3. Focus Magic

Focus Magic

Focus Magic uses advanced forensic strength deconvolution technology to literally “undo” blur. It can repair both out-of-focus blur and motion blur (camera shake) in an image. It is the only software that can significantly recover lost detail from blurry images.

Having said that, do note the limitation in the software. A pixelated image remains pixelated, software may only enhance it to a certain extent, and it does not have the ability to create or interpret anything into something. Whatever you saw in Hollywood movies remains in Hollywood.

Focus Magic, which is used by many forensic scientists, is the only photo sharpening software that can recover detail, as shown in the examples above. You can use this powerful tool to sharpen your blurred photos right now. Unlike other sharpening software, Focus Magic increases the “actual sharpness” (with deconvolution) rather than the “perceived sharpness” (with un-sharpen mask or equivalent). This software may be useful for enhancing details in an image, such as bird watching or identifying a certain person from your home CCTV.

4. SmartDeblur


Fix Blurry and Defocused photos with SmartDeblur. Not all photos are ideal. Images taken with a shaking camera, artificially blurred pictures, wrong autofocus – all of these cause objects on a photo to become indistinct and fuzzy. But when you start thinking everything is lost, SmartDeblur saves the day restoring details of blurred and defocused images in one go.
Powered by Blind Deconvolution algorithm, the program works extremely efficiently and doesn’t require any specific skills.

  • Restore Motion Blur – Even cams with optical stabilizer sometimes produce blurry images. Thanks to automatic shake pattern analysis you can restore lost details of the picture literally in one click.
  • Make Defocused Images Readable Again – Out-of-focus images are harder to restore, but with SmartDeblur even serious defocus becomes revertible. Take a look at the example: from virtually unreadable pictures they were able to restore most of the text.
  • Easily Undo Gaussian Blur – Artificial blurs produced by Photoshop, Gimp and other editors are not a problem for you anymore too! SmartDeblur detects Gaussian pattern and restore images to better details.
  • Fine-tuning for Even Better Results – Auto-detection of the blur path works well in most cases. But complex images with combined blurs and/or defocus may require a bit more effort. With advanced kernel editors you can enhance images not recoverable with most other tools!
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5. Let’s Enhance

Lets Enhance

Let’s Enhance is a free online service to upscale and improve your visual content using neural networks. Boost your photo resolution and remove JPEG blocks. AI-powered tool to improve low-res photos in one click.


  1. Gravatar

    The gold standard for photo editing software is Photoshop

  2. Gravatar
    Preston Gralla [ Reply ]

    Free Photo Editing Software (Photo Editor) Download

  3. Gravatar
    Jeff Meyer [ Reply ]

    photo enhancing software free download

  4. Gravatar
    Tanya Puntti [ Reply ]

    which is the Best professional photo editing software?

    • Gravatar

      The FBI uses their advanced technology to “enhance” a blurry image, and find a villain’s face in the worst possible footage…… Stop Believing TV’s Lies!!!!!!!!

    • Gravatar
      Michael Roberts [ Reply ]

      You should try PhotoViewerPro program!

    • Gravatar
      Andrew [ Reply ]

      Cognitech’s FiA 64 Image Authentication Software the FBI uses their advanced technology.

  5. Gravatar
    Harsh Singh [ Reply ]

    The cop show image enhancement is BS

    • Gravatar
      noonespecial [ Reply ]

      What!?! You mean I can’t really take a blurry reflection of a car doing 70mph 100 ft away, and deblur and sharpen to have a perfect image of the license plate. That sucks! LOL

      • Gravatar
        Anonymous [ Reply ]

        You can actually. These guys don’t know what they’re talking about. They just have never bought a government photo/video enhancer on the black market.

  6. Gravatar
    buttcrack [ Reply ]

    >enhancing details in an image
    implying top kek

  7. Gravatar
    m Javed Shahid [ Reply ]

    Good software

  8. Gravatar
    vikas yadav [ Reply ]

    where to download FBI, CSI and CIA photo enhancing software? open source?

  9. Gravatar

    i want to purchase this software.

  10. Gravatar
    Donna Costello [ Reply ]

    my convenience store was broken into — I have some video images I need enhanced —- is this something that can be done with your program — if so I need a price.

    Thank you.

  11. Gravatar
    grahamnt [ Reply ]

    Great information about enhancing photo software. By the way, I’m already using a PhotoViewerPro. This is also good in viewing and editing images.

  12. Gravatar
    Rodger Saas [ Reply ]

    I must say that PhotoViewerPro is the best photo editing software that I have tried. Aside from the fact that it is user friendly, they have a wide array of tools that I can use to make my photos look like it was taken by a professional photographer.

  13. Gravatar
    anand raj [ Reply ]

    Sir i want a software to clearing the number plate of vicle .

  14. Gravatar
    Vusi Ngoya [ Reply ]

    In need of a software

  15. Gravatar
    Khartu Goldenver [ Reply ]

    My car Bolero was stolen on 27 Jan 2019 Early morning time 2:41 to 2:58 am i have CCTV footage but due to night vision it is blur so i need help, Please respond me as soon as possible.

  16. Gravatar
    jean-francois VAN WAYENBERGE [ Reply ]

    amped5… that’s the soft !

    • Gravatar
      Rajesh [ Reply ]

      My alto car stolen on 21 march at night 10.08pm.
      I have cctv footage in night time it is blur please help for enhanced and clarify.

  17. Gravatar
    Det. Chavez [ Reply ]

    What about VideoCleaner? It is the software used by detectives in Law Enforcement…and it is free & open-source.

  18. Gravatar
    Sherri [ Reply ]

    iPhone app?

  19. Gravatar
    Jennifer [ Reply ]

    Enhance image quality online for free

  20. Gravatar
    Sad mom [ Reply ]

    My daughter was killed in hit and run when walking home from work on February 9th 2022 all I have is a bad still frame photo from a video provided by a business on the other side of a 4 lane highway. I need help

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