6 Free Kanboard Team Project Management – Trello, Notion, and Asana Alternatives

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Are you searching for a self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana? This is where these free kanboard come in handy for small businesses, they are open source, you’ll need to self-host it to enjoy all the software without paying a subscription fee.

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What is a Kanboard? In a typical project management tool, you’d list tasks, add comments or notes with more info, and check tasks off as they are completed. Things work a bit differently on a kanban board. In kanban boards, they can change the placement of a card at any time—moving it from list to list or within a list (up or down). Also they can copy or move cards from one board to another.

1. Focalboard


Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana. It’s a project management tool that helps define, organize, track and manage work across teams, using a familiar kanban board view. Focalboard comes in two main editions:

  • Focalboard Personal Desktop: A stand-alone single-user desktop app for your todos and personal projects
  • Mattermost Boards: A cloud or self-hosted server for your team to plan and collaborate

2. Restyaboard


Open source Trello-like kanban board. Based on the Restya platform. In kanban board, you can invite team members, clients, and others to collaborate on a project. Each board has its own settings, including the ability to invite members. Kanban boards include a description field on each card where they can add notes or comments and attach related files.

Kanboard is a free and open source Kanban project management software. The Kanban board is the best way to know the current status of a project because it’s visual. It’s very easy to understand, there is nothing to explain and no training is required. There is no fancy user interface, Kanboard focuses on simplicity and minimalism. The number of features is voluntarily limited.

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3. Wekan


Wekan, formerly LibreBoard, is an open-source and collaborative Small Trello iconTrello -like kanban board application. Whether you’re maintaining a personal todo list, planning your holidays with some friends, or working in a team on your next revolutionary idea, Kanban boards are an unbeatable tool to keep your things organized.

They give you a visual overview of the current state of your project, and make you productive by allowing you to focus on the few items that matter the most. Wekan supports most features you would expect of it including a real-time user interface, cards comments, member assignments, customizable labels, filtered views, and more.

4. TaskCafe


A free & open source alternative project management tool. Currently citadel only offers basic task tracking through a Kanban board. One of the primary goals of Taskcafe is to provide a project management tool that I personally enjoy using for my own projects and fits my workflow. During alpha development, the current plan is to build the “basic” features – features that are pretty much standard across all kanban boards / project management tools.

  • Manage tasks through a Kanban board interface (set due dates, labels, add checklists)
  • View all your current assigned tasks through the My Tasks view
  • Personal projects
  • Task comments and activity

5. TaskBoard


A Kanban-inspired app for keeping track of things that need to get done. The goal of TaskBoard is to provide a simple and clean interface to a functional and minimal application for keeping track of tasks. It’s not trying to be the next Trello or LeanKit.

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What TaskBoard does is make it easy to start keeping track of anything you need to get done. The visual aspect of a board allows for easy status checks, and can be motivating for users who want to move their tasks to the next column.

  • Free, Open-Source (MIT License), and Self-Hosted
  • Unlimited boards (projects)
  • Customize columns within boards and persistent expand/collapse per user
  • Tasks allow custom colors, categories, assignees, Markdown descriptions, attachments, and comments
  • Tasks display complete history of activities for admins
  • Basic User management (admin, board admin, and regular users)
  • Creates SQLite database on first use
  • RESTful API
  • Works on almost any web host (only needs PHP w/SQLite pdo)

6. tillywork


Manage projects, streamline marketing and sales, and create your product roadmap in one app. tillywork is a work management software that you will enjoy using. tillywork under the hood has 3 apps:

  • Project Management – Organize and track all your project details. Supercharge your business management.
  • Sales CRM – Enhance your customer relationships and sales metrics. For fast-moving marketing and sales teams.
  • Agile Projects – Streamline your product development lifecycle. Product and tech teams will love us.

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