4 Free GPS Apps – Track & Share Your Location Real Time

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For those that travel a lot, or for female friends that party often, having your smartphone send out your location every few minutes could potentially mean life or death. Furthermore, a real time GPS location tracking feature is ideal for parents traveling overseas with their children.

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These apps allow you to track the person’s or your children’s location in an event of an emergency, from knowing where your children are on their way from school to driving in a group. Highly recommended for parents fearful of losing their children in a crowd or in an event of their child being kidnapped.

1. OwnTracks


OwnTracks allows you to keep track of your own location. You can build your private location diary or share it with your family and friends. OwnTracks is open-source and uses open protocols for communication so you can be sure your data stays secure and private.

2. Google Maps

Google Maps

Share your real-time location with others via Google Account. You can choose who can see where you are and for how long. With just a few taps in the app, you can now share your real-time location with friends and family. It’s a feature that can be handy when you’re running late to an appointment or if you simply want to keep your buddies abreast of your whereabouts.

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3. Pathshare


Pathshare is a virtual meeting point and location sharing assistant. They made it with love and focus on security and privacy. Set a destination and share your location with your friends, family, colleagues or customers in real time. Just with a simple touch on the screen. Share your real time location the next time you are:

  • On a night out with friends
  • Stuck in a traffic jam and late for dinner
  • On your way home: no texting while driving!
  • Heading to a professional meeting and want to make your business partner aware of your arrival
  • Want to know your kids are safe at school
  • Shopping with the girls and lost them in the mall
  • In an emergency situation and want to let help find the exact location

4. FollowMee


FollowMee GPS Tracker converts your Android, iPhone or iPad into a GPS tracking device. Installing this app to the device that you want to track, you can monitor its whereabouts on the FollowMee.com web site. Using this app, you can track your family members, company devices, or even your employees.

  • No-Internet Contingency – Cellular or Wifi connection is required to upload location data to the FollowMee server. When connection is interrupted, the app continues to track and data is saved in the device storage. When connection resumes, data is then uploaded. After that, your map will show up-to-date data.
  • Real-Time Update – By default, this app tracks every 10 minutes. You can adjust this interval on the app settings screen.
  • Full-time Vehicle Tracking Device Setting – Enable this setting and convert your phone into a vehicle tracking device. Tracking starts when the vehicle is driven, and pauses when it is stopped.
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5. GrouVigate


[ Discontinued ] See your friend’s location and route on the map. It is a must have app for all outdoors group activities! GrouVigate helps you keep the group together. It comes with a simple and intuitive UI to operate. Features:

  • Create a new activity and share it with your friends! via Facebook, Whatsapp, SMS and more…
  • Join existing activity.
  • See participants location and route on map.
  • By clicking a participant’s marker you can follow his movement and get the exact distance between the 2 of you.
  • Activities history with routes.


  1. Gravatar
    bambang [ Reply ]

    Thank you for information, but I like with google Maps

  2. Gravatar

    Nice list of apps, they are always handy in odd situations. I have one such app named LocoNav. I like the way they are able to track especially when you have children in the house, just put a tracking device in their begs. Love these apps

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    Alex Bender [ Reply ]

    I would suggest one more app i.e. staysatark GPS tracking app or device. It is one of the best options to track your vehicle. Vehicle Anti-theft , Speed & Accident Alert GPS Device

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