7 Spying Apps To Monitor & Track Your Children’s Smartphone Activities

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How can I monitor my teenager’s text messages without them knowing? When it comes to parenting teenagers, filtering unwanted content no-longer is the main issue, they will find a way to get these materials. At that age, it is paramount to monitor who they meet, who they hang out with and the context of their text messages. Blocking and filtering works well with kids, but not for teenagers.

Continue ➤ 10 GPS Tracker For Smartphones In Locating Missing, Abducted And Kidnapped Child

How to monitor the text messages of your child? Here are some of the best free Parental Control and Kids Monitoring Apps. Prevention is better than cure and these apps might help save your child from pedophiles, stalkers and stop school bullying. Note – Tracking your wife or husband is illegal, but tracking your underage children is legal for parents. Illegally tracking someone is against the ‘Federal Wiretapping Statute’ law, the ‘Computer Fraud and Abuse Act’ law, and ‘Federal Stalking Statute’ law.

1. Android007


Android007 is a number one monitoring software for smartphones that helps parents to keep children safe and workers productive. It keeps tabs on text messages, call information, GPS coordinates and much more depending on your needs and priorities.

Android 007 collects information from the target device and sends it to your Control Panel ( your account that will be created after registering ) which you can access from any browser. Android007 for smartphones runs on Android 4+ rooted/not rooted and iOS jailbreak required.

  • Call Log
  • Read SMS
  • View E-mail
  • View Pictures
  • View Videos
  • Listen to Audios
  • Track Location
  • Read WhatsApp *Root*
  • Check Social Media *Root*
  • Browser Activity
  • View Application Activity
  • View Contacts
  • Make a Spy Call
  • Call Intercept *Listen Live*
  • Call Recording
  • Ambient Recording *30mins*
  • Take Remote Pictures
  • Spoof SMS
  • Get Passwords *Root*

Android007 is specially designed to monitor your under aged children, employees, and a phone that you own. But before using this App as a monitoring tool in your device, make sure that you are providing all the essential information regarding this App to the user of the phone. It’s the user’s responsibility to follow all the relevant laws of their country regarding the use of Android007 App. If you have any doubts, please first consult your local attorney before using Android007.

2. Mobile Tracker Free

Mobile Tracker Free

Mobile Tracker Free is the application that allows you to free monitor your children, prevent data theft and supervise the productivity of your employees. Their mobile monitoring application tracks all the activities of the target phone, such as SMS / MMS, call history, GPS position, e-mails, photos, web history and more.

  • SMS/MMS – Track SMS/MMS sent and received.
  • Calls – Track and recording incoming, outgoing and missed calls.
  • GPS Locations – Track locations, retrieve the location of your children or employees online.
  • Photos/Images – Track all pictures and images taken and received. Recover even deleted photos and images.
  • Social Networks – Track messages received and sent from the most popular social networks such as WhatsApp, Facebook…
  • Remote control – Take a phone capture, record the ambient sound, take a photo, etc.

3. Norton Family

Norton Family

Norton Family parental control software helps protect your kids from online predators by showing you what your kids are doing online and identifying potential dangers before they become problems.

  • Location Supervision – Stay informed about where your kids are with tools that enable you to map the location of their Android or iOS devices and provide a 30-day history to show where they’ve been.
  • Activity History – See at a glance what your kids are doing on their connected devices and how much time they’ve spent on their PCs, so you can clearly spot trends and emerging habits.
  • Search Supervision – See the words, terms, and phrases your kids are searching for to gain insights into their interests and help protect them from inappropriate content.

4. SecureTeen


Ultimate Parental Control Software, you can keep your children safe online and protect them from the online dangers with the use of SecureTeen. This parental control solution has been designed to guard your children 24×7 and keep them away from internet hazards.

  • Block Inappropriate Content – Filter your child’s online activity in real-time and block access to inappropriate content present on the internet such as not family friendly websites and violence.
  • Block Apps – If you do not want your child to access certain apps, then simply block them. You can also block those apps for certain hours of the day.
  • Monitor SMS and Chat Messengers – Monitor your child’s SMS and chat messages in order to know whether he is engaged in sexting or sharing inappropriate content with others.
  • WhatsApp Monitoring – Keep tab on WhatsApp activities of your children.
  • View Internet Activity – Know what your child is doing online and view his internet activity to make sure he is not accessing harmful content.
  • Track Location – Always remain informed of your child’s whereabouts and track his location so you can be prepared for an emergency.
  • Remote Management – Monitor, control, and secure your child’s online experience easily from anywhere in the world and at any given time.
See More ➤  [ Tutorial ] Block Not Family Friendly Contents - Protect Your Children

5. Net Nanny

Net Nanny

Net Nanny allows you to control your kids’ internet activity remotely. Not only can you choose specific websites that you want blocked on your kids’ phones; you can also block types of websites, such as ones involving dating, not not family friendly websites or tobacco. You can also set it so that you will get a warning if your child types in a certain keyword, such as “suicide.”

  • Internet Filter – Be in control of your internet. Set filtering for 18 categories of online content to either block, warn, or allow for view.
  • Block Not Family Friendly Websites – Warn or block access to adult content.
  • Time Management – Set the total number of Internet hours in a day or set specific times of the day when your child can be online.
  • Mask Profanity – View a web page without being bombarded by vulgar language.
  • Social Media Monitoring – Monitor your child’s social activity for cyberbullying, sexual predators, and reputation-damaging content

6. My Mobile Watchdog

My Mobile Watchdog

From the dashboard, access text messages, contacts, call logs, block apps and websites, locate your child, and much more. My Mobile Watchdog’s KidsSafe program helps educate kids and parents about good internet etiquette and positive cyber behavior. Research has shown that when educated and given a chance to succeed, kids not only cease their damaging cyber misconduct, but actually become a huge part of helping others do the same, making their schools and communities safer.

  • Messages – Review text message conversations and view photos.
  • Calls – View call logs and set alerts to be instantly notified when your child is being contacted by people you are not comfortable with.
  • Contacts – Keep all of your child’s contacts synced, quickly and easily. Set up an approved list of contacts. Be alerted on any unapproved communication.
  • Websites – All mobile internet activity on your child’s phone is logged and easily accessible. Receive Alerts when your child attempts to access a blocked site.
  • Locations – Know your child’s whereabouts with GPS Location Tracking. My Mobile Watchdog keeps track of the last 99 locations your child has been.

7. mSpy


mSpy is the most popular and user-friendly application for watching over your kids, preventing theft, and supervising your employees’ performance. Their mobile monitoring software runs on the target device to track all activity including call log history, GPS location, calendar updates, text messages, emails, web history, and much more! After following their easy, step by step instructions on how to create your own personal online mSpy account, you may log in to immediately begin viewing the tracked data.

  • Manage Calls – mSpy allows you to view all incoming/outgoing calls with their duration and timestamp.
  • Track text messages – This cell phone tracking software lets you read all text and multimedia messages sent or received by the target phone user.
  • Read emails – With this mobile tracking application, you can make sure your employees’ time is not wasted on writing personal emails, and your children are not threatened by online predators.
  • Track GPS Location – mSpy can be set up to track GPS location of your target phone. Get to know if your son is where he is supposed to be or if your employee is really in a traffic jam.
  • Monitor Internet Use – View all URLs visited by the user in the cell phone browser. Сheck what they’re up to online by scanning through their browsing history.
  • Access Calendar and Address Book – Check every contact entered into the phone address book and keep track of every event in the phone’s calendar.
  • Read Instant Messages – Use this feature to capture messages sent and received by the target user on Skype, WhatsApp, iMessage, and Viber. Supervise user’s popular social network accounts to learn what they texting about.

8. LogsKit


[ Discontinued ] LogsKit is a mobile tracking & monitoring app that extracts logs from smartphones. The app sends logs to logskit.com through your account, over the mobile data or WiFi through the victim’s device. LogsKit is the most powerful and undetectable Spy app for Android phones

  • View Text Messages – The ability to view sent, received and deleted texts makes these on of the best Spying app in the market
  • GPS Tracking – With GPS tracking you can track the exact location of a person. View current location and location history logs
  • Recording calls – Listen and record all incoming and outgoing phone to know what they are up to and what they talk about.
  • Browsing activities – Track all details thoroughly including visited websites and their regularity. Monitor which websites your children or employees like and access most
  • View Photo taken – With LogsKit you will be able to view all photo they have saved on their phones and tablets
  • View Call log details – You can view call logs to see who has been called, any missed calls and the time and date of the call.
See More ➤  10 Best Parental Control Apps For iOS And Android Smartphones Addicts

9. SpyBunker


[ Discontinued ] SpyBunker is the world leader in monitoring solutions for smartphones & computers , all your personal and target device data are stored in a secretive nuclear bunker that was built during the Cold War.In 1996 the nuclear bunker was converted to a state-of-the-art data center.

SpyBunker encrypts your files,and then uploads them to the Bunker for safe keeping ,SpyBunker uses End-to-End Encryption,that means only you control and have access to your target device data. Not even SPYBUNKER Employees or anyone else except you !

  • Record Phone Calls
  • Snapchat Tracking
  • Tinder Tracking
  • Instagram Tracker
  • SMS Tracking
  • Cell Spy
  • iPhone Tracking
  • Parental Control
  • Android Tracking
  • WhatsApp Tracking
  • Cell Tracker
  • Call Interception
  • Location Tracker
  • Ambient Listening

9. Quester


[ Discontinued ] Quester helps you to monitor everything from your children’s phone including call log with voice recording, sms, photos, location contacts, app usage, also get email notification with usage information, users can not even know that you have something in their phone. application has some more features like action take photo, listing audio from phone, take screenshots without knowing him. Monitor Your Children’s Phone :- Quester helps you to monitor everything from your children’s phone including Call log with voice recording, SMS, Photos, Location Contacts etc.

  • Call Record – Access call log with voice recording, create alter for a particular number.
  • SMS Tracker – Get Incoming and outgoing messages in the form of conversation.
  • Contacts – Get all contacts from phone with all activity and you can export in CSV
  • Photos – Get all the photo from that taken from camera, you will get photos those deleted too
  • GPS Tracker – Get Location info with map view so you can get a better idea of the place.

11. Spyzie


[ Discontinued ] Spyzie is a powerful web-based phone spy application used for parental monitoring and parental control. With its no-root or jailbreak iPhone and android spy solutions you can easily monitor and control your kid’s phone activity remotely. Here are a list of features:

  • View Call History
  • Monitor SMS text messages
  • Track Locations and geofencing
  • Monitor popular social apps including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Line, etc.
  • Record Wifi History
  • Keyloggers
  • Monitor multi-media files
  • App blocking

Spyzie is a powerful web-based phone tracking solution for parents to track their kids or business owners to monitor their employees. When it is used to track an android phone or tablet, it allows you to extract information from the target android device after a simple setup process. You may view the monitored data remotely from any of your own smartphones, tablet PCs or computers as long as they are connected to the internet.

12. KidGuard


[ Discontinued ] KidGuard is a technology services company that provides information & tools for parents to keep their kids safe online. The KidGuard Phone Monitoring service is a cell phone tracking software provided to parents to “spy” on their kids text messages, monitor gps location, track phone logs, chats, allowing the parent to stay on top of issues such as cyberbullying, online predators, teen depression, and other risks to their children arising from the internet.

  • View Location – Know exactly where your child is at anytime or where they have been in the past.
  • Track Text Messages – Monitor the text messages of your child. View deleted text messages as well.
  • View Apps – Keep an eye on all activity on apps such as Contacts, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Photos to name a few.
  • Monitor Call Logs – Track your child’s call logs for both incoming and outgoing calls. You can also monitor other information such as contact name, number, date and duration of calls.
  • Browser History – View all of your child’s browser history for any day.
  • Photos – Have access to all the photos that are on your child’s cell phone.

13. TeenSafe


[ Discontinued ] #1 in Parental Monitoring, TeenSafe helps you detect the hidden dangers lurking inside your child’s smartphone. Whether your child uses an iPhone or Android device, TeenSafe can help you keep tabs on what they are doing, who they are talking to and where they are.

  • All Texts – View your child’s SMS and iMessages, even those that have been deleted.
  • Web History – See what sites your child has visited
  • Contacts – View all saved contacts on your child’s device
  • WhatsApp – View sent and received WhatsApp messages
  • Kik Messenger – View sent and received Kik Messenger texts
  • Mobile Location – Track your child’s location in real-time

The Dangers Of Social Media

Child Predator Experiment – This is why installing parental control software on your kid’s smartphone is important. Watch the video to understand what kids are doing behind their parent’s backs.


  1. Gravatar
    Olivia [ Reply ]

    Nice list of teen safety apps, but i think you have missed one app named FamilyTime which helped a dad few months ago to save his daughter from sexual predator.

    • Gravatar

      I’m a teen and this is crossing the limit, why do these exist.

      • Gravatar
        Rolaine [ Reply ]

        Because you are a TEEN and are obviously too immature to recognize the benefit or why this is necessary .


        You are a child predator or a troll whose job just got harder.

        Take your pick. There is no inbetween. This is why this is necessary.

        • Gravatar

          You are a kid-teen. You don’t get to draw the limits.you are not ultimately responsible for your actions until you are emancipated or 18.deal with it we were all kids too

          • Gravatar
            Warner Dressel Cynthia

            My daughter was a victim of sexual predators the boy used a fake name she fell in love she try to drop out of school and ultimately tried to take her own life. This person is still trying to contact her and we are praying that things turn around before it’s too late. Do the right thing teenagers are not adults they need boundaries guidance and supervision

      • Gravatar
        random 13 y/o [ Reply ]

        totally agreed it is not okay if parents are monitoring every your message and phone call between being cyberbullied/trolled and being tracked by parents I would choose being cyberbullied/trolled

      • Gravatar
        Anonymous [ Reply ]

        i fully agree i’m also a teen and my parents have tried downloading some of these apps on my phone, it crosses a line and to who ever said they were teens once it was a different time and i’m guessing your parents didn’t try to spy on you huh? why do we get treated differently just because we have phones now it’s you lot that are stupid we’re more than capable of understanding when someone is trying to do wrong towards us and we don’t just add any random idiot on our social media ??‍♀️

      • Gravatar

        i totally agree with this. As young adults, we should have this privacy.

        • Gravatar
          Daniel J Gromek [ Reply ]

          Don’t need the phones and social media. I am 49 yea2 old i had my share of screw ups but the world is screwed up. So parents spying in on there kid wrong and wright at the same time

      • Gravatar

        You don’t get to set the limits.

        • Gravatar
          Mitchell [ Reply ]

          I agree with the children. Your child will not respect you and start to resent for not trusting them and giving them the privacy. Let your children know the what is right and wrong. If they know you are spying on them they may in a act of defiance make poor choices because u did not give them a chance.

      • Gravatar

        When you can pay for your own phone you can have your privacy.

      • Gravatar

        The world is a very ugly place and with the internet, cell phones, and apps…the ugly has easy access to kids in their own homes at anytime. When ur older u will understand, especially when u have kids of ur own.

  2. Gravatar
    Austin Maloy [ Reply ]

    It is the very helpful list of a parental control system. Here exactly got what I want. Thank you for giving a review of this app. Here I want to recommend Tispy app which is also reliable and easy to use.

  3. Gravatar
    Peggy Sue Lynn [ Reply ]

    What is actually the best way to tap your spouse’s mobile phone?

    • Gravatar

      You can use any of the apps above , but all the apps needs physical access to the target device , in other words you need to install one of the apps on the spouse mobile usually it is fast around 5 mins

      Good Luck

      • Gravatar
        Jeff F [ Reply ]

        These exist because teens can make some pretty terrible decisions (as can parents that don’t keep an eye on things).

        My daughter was a heavy social media user who as a result was sexually abused by a predator, was raped twice, and got addicted to cocaine and becane an alcoholic as a teen.

        After multiple attempts on her life, short term mental hospital stays, multiple months in a residential therapy program, and continued psychotherapy, she had finally regained her self-worth. She is lucky to have survived. However, she will likely have PTSD for the rest of her life.

        She was and remains one of the smartest young adults that I’ve ever known. I would never have imagined that this would happen to her…nor coukd she.

    • Gravatar
      Christine Reyes [ Reply ]

      I see a lot of spying and awkward situations, do you also offer counseling on how to talk to your teen? How to make common and mutual terms with safety in mind and not mistrust?

  4. Gravatar
    Nisener Spy [ Reply ]

    This is for people in search of spy apps to hack into your teenage children’s Android, iPhone, or iOS devices to allow you monitor their phone messages and social media app so you can keep an eye on their chat activities before they get influenced wrongly.

  5. Gravatar

    Thank you very useful article , i will try some of these apps and come back with a review :)

  6. Gravatar

    I suggest to stay away from free apps , nothing is for free !!! if you are not paying for the product then you are the product .

  7. Gravatar

    My Review after i tested 3 of the services listed above :

    I installed on 3 devices : 2 for my kids and 1 for my employee

    1- android007.com : ( used on my daughter device ) + Side : 100% works , excellent support , i love the ambient recording feature and remote camara .

    The – Side : some features requires root like Whatsapp also iPhone is not supported ( though i dont have an iphone .

    2- spybunker.com : ( used on my son device ) + Side : 100% works , similar to android007 , works gr8 .
    The – Side : also some features needs rooting like whatsapp

    3- Spyzie : ( my employee device ) it got connected for the first 30 mins then it was totally out of reach , been more than 48hours no answer from support .

    Hope this was helpful , unfortunately i can not test all since no free trails and i can not afford to pay for all of them , but from my side i can recommend android007 & spybunker , if any one can test the rest this will be helpful as well

  8. Gravatar
    Eva Vardez [ Reply ]

    How can these apps help me spy on someone?

    • Gravatar
      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      Please understand that spying is a crime, even if it is your spouse. However, tracking your underage kids is legally allowed if you are the parent.

      • Gravatar

        You are totally right . Spying is a crime if you spy on some without his / her knowledge .In this case the apps listed here it is legal if you are the owner of the device .
        I think it is the right of a business owner to protect his company and other employees from someone who is trying to destroy a company .
        for parents is there rights to check on there children specially in whats going on now on the internet .
        for husband/wife also it is not a crime , when you decide to become partners means you be faithful , the crime is not in spying it is in cheating !

        • Gravatar

          Actually, spying on your husband / wife is a crime. They are not your property and have the right to their own privacy. I found this site because I want a way to keep my 12 year old child safe. Not to spy on him but to protect him from harm. But you can’t just spy on adults, not even if they are your spouse. I don’t know the law about the employees thing but it seems really shady to me and I wouldn’t want to work for a company who would do such a thing. It means there is no trust in the company and that’s not a good thing. But anyway, don’t use these to spy on your spouse or other adults. It’s just wrong.

      • Gravatar
        Sonny Burnett [ Reply ]

        Not in America. HClinton, Obama, and Biden did it on Trump. Facebook, Snapchat and all the other social media apps and phone companies are doing it 24/7.

    • Gravatar

      Eva you need to have access to the target device , install one of the apps and that’s it , you will have access to it .

    • Gravatar
      Ms Tony [ Reply ]

      The only good way for that is to tell them outright you want to put something like this on their phone. Let them know what it can do or will do and get their consent. Or at least the only legal way I should say.
      It’s either that or end up getting ripped off by all the apps that don’t actually do what they say. Or worse ones that give access to both phones to someone else. Or get in legal trouble for monitoring someone’s phone with out their knowledge.
      There are spy ones that work but it takes alot of research to find them and still legal implications with each. Fortunately I’m not looking for stealth or hidden ones. Just something to monitor the phone and the messaging apps specifically.
      They know it will be installed and what features it has or doesn’t have.

  9. Gravatar
    David Bennett [ Reply ]

    That is quite a long list. But I was surprised that this list did not have Xnspy child monitoring app. I have personally used it myself for more than two years now for my growing tweens now teens. And I think it is the best app ever. All the apps offer somewhat similar features, but the two things I liked best about Xnspy was how the customer support is available 24/7, plus, the price is amazingly low. It is a lot more affordable than most of the apps mentioned here. I would suggest any parent looking for an affordable solution for child monitoring should definitely give Xnspy a try.

  10. Gravatar

    hi guys need help

  11. Gravatar

    Dont waste your money on spizie. They dont have live customer service. They ignore your emails. They never refund your money back. Spizie doesnt pass the phone security. Spizie is useless and you lose your money because they never refund your money!

  12. Gravatar
    sourabh [ Reply ]

    hey dont have live customer service. They ignore your emails. They never refund your money back. Spizie doesnt pass the phone security.

  13. Gravatar

    This is a long list is and it seems everyone cost money. I need a free app cuz I’m on the low income base and if there’s one that I can at least check her text messages and possibly deleted anything else would be a bonus

    • Gravatar

      For iPhones, if your child is on Family Share, there is a way to receive all their text messages at least. Go into their phone, settings, and click their name ID, family share and

      • Gravatar
        Denise [ Reply ]

        You didn’t finish what else do you do?

  14. Gravatar

    Do any of these work in the UK and does the app have to be installed on the teens phone to work?

  15. Gravatar
    Gloria [ Reply ]

    Do any of these work in the UK and does the app have to be installed on the teens phone to work?

  16. Gravatar
    anonymous [ Reply ]

    Coming from a teen this is ridiculous. It’s your job as a parent to raise your kids right and make good decisions, if you want your teenager to trust you and talk to you about suspicious people contacting them then you have to trust them first. Not only will they hate you for tracking their every move and invading their privacy, they will find ways to get around it so there’s no point.

  17. Gravatar
    Michelle Aaron [ Reply ]

    People cheats due to lack of being contented with what their partner or spouse’s got. This makes them cheat, great article right here to enlighten us.

  18. Gravatar
    Shahid [ Reply ]

    You have shared a very important post that tells us how we can monitor our kid’s WhatsApp account without their consent, thanks for that. I have also posted an article on my site, which explains how you can monitor anyone’s mobile phone.

    • Gravatar
      Heather [ Reply ]

      I would like the info on how to spy on anyone’s phone…

  19. Gravatar
    Runa khatun [ Reply ]

    Wow, this article is really nice. I need a support.However, tracking your underage kids is legally allowed if you are the parent.

  20. Gravatar

    Thank you so much for the list! Lots of people need it because not only the teens are using them but more and more kids at younger ages have regular access to smartphones and other mobile devices which enables them to access social media sites and others that may contain irrelevant information. Hence, monitoring is needed because Parental controls can provide protection while allowing kids to use high-tech gadgets.

  21. Gravatar
    My teen has no rights period. [ Reply ]

    Grow up and have children of your own then come back and tell us how easy it is to just be a “good parent” and raise them “right”. Until a child is 18, they have no rights to privacy, and if the parent is paying their way through college, then their rights from 18 to graduation are limited.

    Here’s an interesting point, I know people who grew up in the best families, they were definitely raised “right”. Most of those kids were the biggest trouble makers because they had seen what was right so much they craved what was wrong. So stop with your teen know it all bs and realize this is for our children’s protection. People under a certain age do not have the brain wiring to make sound decisions unless influenced and guided. In short, you might feel like an adult that deserves privacy, but you’re actually just old enough to make dumb decisions because you think you’re old enough and know everything. You are about as smart as the person who is influencing you at the given time, and based on your brain development, your actions are based mainly on influence. Guess what? I was a teen. All parents were at one point; it’s so funny when a teen wants to tell parents the “right” way to parent. Take your own advise and let’s see where it gets you, oh ya you’re too young to be a parent (well you’re not, but if you want to ruin your future plans you are). So get over it. You’ll have plenty of time to do all the stuff you were told you shouldn’t do, when you’re 18 or 24-26(depending if you go to college). Until that time, enjoy having people who care enough to handle the responsibility of straightening out your dumb choices, because once that’s all on your shoulders, you’ll realize why parents seem so uptight.

    P.s. you’re prob only mad about this because you’re a teen who is trying badly to disobey your parents rules and your mad that with all the chances you have these days to do so, parents also have the means to keep up with you. Go figure out a way to help the pollution problem or something…that’s what we are relying on your generation to do anyway, so get on it.

    • Gravatar

      Can I say just how much I loved your reply to these kids who think they don’t need parental supervision!!!!

  22. Gravatar
    Charlotte Sophia [ Reply ]

    Phone Tracking App

  23. Gravatar
    Jeffrey Times [ Reply ]

    Ok so I’m a single dad of three teenage daughters. They all have their own iphones. I would like to see who they are talking with and what texts they are sending on all the social media sites plus regular text. I see that they all have monthly charges. Is that charge for each phone. I have all my girls on my boost mobile account so I own the phones. Can you please help me with this.

  24. Gravatar

    Some of these don’t even exist anymore.

  25. Gravatar
    Andrew [ Reply ]

    I’m a parent or two kids I need to know who they’re talking to what they’re texting and what goes on Snapchat or any other things cuz the kids are doing I was just worried they’re about age 12 and 14 and it’s a scary world so I hope it works thank you for this free app

  26. Gravatar

    I need help monitoring my child’s iPhone from my android. I’d like to do it without downloading anything on the iphone, also without them knowing that I am watching. Any ideas??
    Side note- to the parent that laid into the teens on here a round of applause to you! ?

  27. Gravatar
    Alan Edwards [ Reply ]

    There are better alternatives out there anyway. These new options give your children more freedom to do what they want while still keeping you in control.

  28. Gravatar

    Without knowing their passcode??? Help

  29. Gravatar
    Jorief [ Reply ]

    There are many good apps in this article. But I would also like to add an application like mSpy, which I like the most. Since it is much easier to use and you can connect several devices, there are more various functions.

  30. Gravatar
    Millie [ Reply ]

    I need an app that the child wont see on the phone. Does that exist?

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