42 Funny Atheist Quotes About God’s Existence, Fate And Life

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Atheism is unstoppable and growing rapidly in almost every developed country, including Japan. This is probably due to better education and the ability to question what once was thought to be a sin – to question religious authorities. Don’t get me wrong, having no religion is as bad as being a religious fanatic, more often than not, a religion stops being a religion and becomes a cult when the followers follow the teachings blindly.

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The question is, can a country be peaceful if a majority of the people are atheist? Denmark and Sweden are among the least religious nations in the world, and also one of the best with good education, minimal crimes and honest people. Three questions up for debate, there are no right or wrong, only different opinions.

  • Who created God? and if God can exist without a creator, using the same principle, why can’t humans and all the living beings exist without a creator?
  • Science shows that the universe has billions and billions of planets, if Aliens do exist, doesn’t that contradicts the teaching of God created us in his image? Unless the Aliens have the same human forms too, which is unlikely.
  • If God created humans and all living beings, then evolution is fake, but within their short recorded history, bacteria and viruses have evolved to counter penicillin and antibiotics they humans developed. Isn’t that proof of evolution? And all religions themselves show the very idea of evolution is real, as seen with the many branches and sub-branches then sub-sub branches of Christianity and Islam as they adapted to the local culture, climate, environment and political situation. There is no 1 denomination of Christianity, neither is there 1 school of Islamic thoughts. Same goes with Buddhism and many other religion in the world.

You talked about hell as if you're born and raised there. - Mark Gungor
You talked about hell as if you’re born and raised there. – Mark Gungor

Reincarnation? It may be that they have all lived before and died, and this is hell.
Reincarnation? It may be that they have all lived before and died, and this is hell.

It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui. - Hellen Keller
It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui. – Hellen Keller

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? - Epicurus
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? – Epicurus

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. – Richard Dawkins

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If your religion requires you to hate someone, you need a new religion.
If your religion requires you to hate someone, you need a new religion.

You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion.
You don’t need religion to have morals. If you can’t determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion.

Science adjusts its views based on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved. - Tim Minchin
Science adjusts its views based on what’s observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved. – Tim Minchin

If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people. - House
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people. – House (Film)

If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion. - Edmond De Goncourt
If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion. – Edmond De Goncourt

They told me to use the brain God gave me. I did. Now I'm an Atheist. Ironic, isn't it?
They told me to use the brain God gave me. I did. Now I’m an Atheist. Ironic, isn’t it?

I love you so much that I'm going to hide my existence to the point that I will be indistinguishable from other gods, and if you follow the wrong god, you are going to suffer for eternity.
I love you so much that I’m going to hide my existence to the point that I will be indistinguishable from other gods, and if you follow the wrong god, you are going to suffer for eternity.

The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument. - George Carlin
The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument. – George Carlin

Thank God I'm an Atheist.
Thank God I’m an Atheist.

Adults with imaginary friends are stupid.
Adults with imaginary friends are stupid.

God promised the end of all wicked people, Thor promised the end of all Ice Giants. I don't see any Ice Giants around.
God promised the end of all wicked people, Thor promised the end of all Ice Giants. I don’t see any Ice Giants around.

God has an unalterable and perfect plan for every person, but you should still pray in a vain attempt to change it. - David G. McAfee
God has an unalterable and perfect plan for every person, but you should still pray in a vain attempt to change it. – David G. McAfee

When one person is delusional, it's called insanity. When many people are delusional, they call it religion.
When one person is delusional, it’s called insanity. When many people are delusional, they call it religion.

Oh, you're tired of my anti-religion posts? Why don't you pray to God for me to stop?
Oh, you’re tired of my anti-religion posts? Why don’t you pray to God for me to stop?

Wanna know the funniest thing about people who call people like me Satanists? They believe in Satan, and I don't.
Wanna know the funniest thing about people who call people like me Satanists? They believe in Satan, and I don’t.

Religion is like a P. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around, and please don't try to shove it down my throats.
Religion is like a P. It’s fine to have one. It’s fine to be proud of it. But please don’t whip it out in public and start waving it around, and please don’t try to shove it down my throats.

You have the right to believe in what you want. I have the right to believe it's ridiculous. - Ricky Gervais
You have the right to believe in what you want. I have the right to believe it’s ridiculous. – Ricky Gervais

When they asked me what my religion was. I said I was Non-Delusional.
When they asked me what my religion was. I said I was Non-Delusional.

Too stupid to understand science? Try religion!
Too stupid to understand science? Try religion!

God made you in his image, really? Then why aren't you invisible?
God made you in his image, really? Then why aren’t you invisible?

Religion is just mind control. - George Carlin
Religion is just mind control. – George Carlin

Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes, or he doesn't care to, or he doesn't exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary. - Sam Harris
Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes, or he doesn’t care to, or he doesn’t exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary. – Sam Harris

God must love stupid people; he made so many.
God must love stupid people; he made so many.

And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then He made the earth round and laughed.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then He made the earth round and laughed.

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I asked God for a car, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a car and asked for forgiveness.
I asked God for a car, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a car and asked for forgiveness.

I told God to protect me from my enemies and I started losing friends.
I told God to protect me from my enemies and I started losing friends.

I've got nothing against God. It's his fan club I can't stand.
I’ve got nothing against God. It’s his fan club I can’t stand.

God please give me patience, if you give me strength I will just punch them in the face.
God please give me patience, if you give me strength I will just punch them in the face.

If God did not forgive sinners, heaven would be empty.
If God did not forgive sinners, heaven would be empty.

Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job as a hitman to arrange the meeting.
Forgiveness is between them and God. It’s my job as a hitman to arrange the meeting.

Forgive and forget? I'm neither God nor do I have Alzheimer's.
Forgive and forget? I’m neither God nor do I have Alzheimer’s.

If you do not sin, God's son died for nothing.
If you do not sin, God’s son died for nothing.

I asked God to punish me for I have sinned, next day I met you.
I asked God to punish me for I have sinned, next day I met you.

May God bless you a long, sick and shameful life.
May God bless you a long, sick and shameful life.

You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion.
You don’t need religion to have morals. If you can’t determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion.

God is omnipotent, omniscient, and controls everything. Unless something bad happens. Then that was Satan.
God is omnipotent, omniscient, and controls everything. Unless something bad happens. Then that was Satan.

If your religion requires that you hate someone you need a new religion.
If your religion requires that you hate someone you need a new religion.

If it’s 1 or 1000 sins you’re still getting sent to Hell. So why not go for 1,000,000 sins and come down here a legend.
If it’s 1 or 1000 sins you’re still getting sent to Hell. So why not go for 1,000,000 sins and come down here a legend.

Argument / Evidence On Why God Doesn’t Exist

My personal opinion is that I’ve lived long enough to find the whole idea of God as the all mighty nothing more than some magical person created by man in his own image, not the other way around as described by most religions. Have you ever wondered why miracles cease to exist as camera technology improves? The same goes with alien and bigfoot sightings, as the quality of image improves, there is virtually no excuse for producing blurry and grainy videos. Out goes with all those fake Loch Ness photos and ghost images.

Before the invention of the camera, holy men resurrected the dead, talked to ghosts, walked on water, cured the blind with a simple touch and more. It all ends with the birth of the camera, coincident? I don’t think so. If you are an atheist, don’t attack another person’s religion, let it be, and if you are religious, do not force feed your religion when a person shows no interest in it. Respect each other’s choices.


  1. Gravatar
    Aki Tissicca [ Reply ]

    Religion is like an ocean
    Nobody knows where it came from.

    • Gravatar
      Brooklyn Anthony Reid Wray [ Reply ]

      This has made me laugh so damn hard I can’t even breath

    • Gravatar

      Ocean water came from meteors
      Religion came from stupidity

    • Gravatar

      So, you accept that you know unknown things??

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      T s srinivasan [ Reply ]

      It came out of the ocean of ignorance

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        David Kwabena Dakulu [ Reply ]

        Religion is a pure product of the human mind. We created God in our own image and likeness. Then attributed our potentials to the him.

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      Isabelle [ Reply ]

      Are u sure? I do know where the ocean came from! Did you pee your pants?

      • Gravatar

        Brilliant. :) I did mine…laughing :D

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    PaulPipar [ Reply ]

    Great quotes.

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      Daniella [ Reply ]

      God is real atheist believe it or not he’s real

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        Acid Kritana [ Reply ]

        Just because you say he’s real doesn’t mean he’s real. For example, what if I claimed that unicorns are real? I would have no evidence, but you have no evidence for God, and you claim he is.
        Also, another thing I’ve said before:
        “It is impossible to prove something doesn’t exist, that has never been proven to exist.”

      • Gravatar
        Rick harvey [ Reply ]

        Daniella ,Strong belief in something is not proof of it’s existence.

        So ,let me guess,you know this because …your parents told you so, your friends told you so ,or did you actually meet her?

        Please ,tell me how you found her,I mean physically And what about the hundreds of other gods that have been invented and forgotten the ones that are still out there ,are they all fake except for yours, which god are you referring to, I suppose you’re a Trump fan to.

        Well my whole life so I’m laying here and I hate to waste it on 70 doesn’t exist so convinced me that she exists and if I am convinced I would like everybody else and sacrifice my whole existence around this God they want to die I get to go to fluffy cloud in the sky and watch all the bad people burn in hell oh and fight against evil will be like a war constantly going on in my whole distances to be for him or her. No thanks I don’t think you can convince me I need proof not basing my whole life on some belief think I’m ludicrous that is,Besides I don’t agree with any of your good rules and laws or whatever they are .babies born guilty, burning people in hell ,for making a mistake ,for eternity little excessive don’t you think

      • Gravatar
        Anshuraj Bajagain [ Reply ]

        Ok , so let me believe for a moment that he’s real .. Does that make any difference??? Even though he’s real ,is there a ***** reason to have faith in them, respect them, pray to them and worship them???

        This religion mostly only ends up a reason in dispute among family members, because you have things to do and things not to inorder to follow it , because of which if anyone unknowingly does something that’s against the religion, most probably they will get scolded or punished as if they have committed the worst crime in the world…Now what’s up with that?????!!!!!

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        Scaggs [ Reply ]

        That’s an assertion. Do you have any supporting evidence. And which god are you referring to?

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          Eddie Methot [ Reply ]

          Civilization has created thousands of Gods,Christians just take it one God further.

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        rock n roll [ Reply ]

        How old are you, 5?

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        Jeffrey [ Reply ]

        The definition of Atheist states God without God Atheist can not exist.

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        Monica [ Reply ]

        I’d be willing to bet that if you were born in Iraq or Iran or somewhere in the Middle East by different parents, you’d be Muslim praising Allah.

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        Jika tuhan yg kau anggap itu ada,cobalah untuk berdialog sepatah kata kepadanya-tanyakan keadaanya,Apa Kau baik” saja?

  3. Gravatar
    Jyothi Jayapal [ Reply ]

    God hacked my PC using html and C++

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      LN Reddy [ Reply ]

      These quotes make me aware of in common sense ?

  4. Gravatar
    Mutheu Mutua [ Reply ]

    I so love the quotes.

  5. Gravatar
    Samantha Smits [ Reply ]

    The best thing about the existence of religion is the nonexistent traffic on Sundays.

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    Jess Rubio [ Reply ]

    God is just a variable the initial value is null then they initialized it then it became zero

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      Richie [ Reply ]

      Wow you just killed me????

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        Sum Tin Wonghea [ Reply ]

        All you people going hell while me go to mommy and tell you all how bad you people are! Boo hooo!

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      Marcel [ Reply ]

      Religion is an excuse to hide problems which you can’t solve by yourself.

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      Ethan Clarens [ Reply ]


  7. Gravatar
    Switi Mondal [ Reply ]

    The quotes are awesome… I loved them

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    Robert Agyei [ Reply ]

    Religion is just a mechanism for psychological comfort, nothing more: it grants comfort in those tumultuous periods. It’s negative effects are however, extremely cruel — causing hatred and a consequent extermination of non-believers.

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      Ethan Clarens [ Reply ]

      Yeah that is absolutely true cause ppl in delusional fantasy never shut ups but keep chattering and insisting that other beliefs besides them r all Satan and false

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      dakota Witham [ Reply ]

      soooo true

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        Cadaver [ Reply ]

        Sir you call these pages stupid and atheist brain dead yet you sit here on one of these “stupid” and “brain dead” pages writing whole paragraphs, you call the atheist brainwashed and yet religion has been used as a form of brainwashing for centuries, clearly this page isn’t as stupid and beaindead as you say because you took time out of your meaningless existence to write a reply people will only roll there eyes at, the only braindead one I see here is you because if you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here or writing what you did.

  9. Gravatar
    Acid Kritana [ Reply ]

    I have said multiple quotes about religion and atheism before, and so I will give you some:
    “Just because I am an atheist does not make me any less than you.”
    “It is impossible to prove something doesn’t exist, that has never been proven to exist.”
    “As an atheist, I have faith. I have faith that you’re wrong and your God is fake.”
    “Why do gays disgust you when you do nothing about pedophile priests?”
    “Instead of blaming all of your mistakes on an imaginary God and “fate”, you should take responsibility and admit when you’re wrong.”

  10. Gravatar

    Judging by the contents of this page, what a bunch of stupid, naive and misinformed people atheists are. The ignorance and irrationality on display in most of those quotes is stunning to behold.

    And the irony that some of the quotes are from theists and Christians, is a rather entertaining comedy of embarrassment.

    The irrational and even more ignorance-based dumbass comments of the author are even more hilariously bad.

    Thankfully, far more intelligent people invented modern science and changed the world. They were all theists. And 99% of them were Christians. NO atheists were involved.

    Historical FACT:
    Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Steno, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Huygens, Leonhard Euler, James Clerk Maxwell, Walter Reed, Heisenberg, Joseph J. Thomson,Kelvin, Faraday, Pasteur, Townes, Gödel, Georg Cantor, Marconi, Dr Felix Konotey-Ahulu, Werner von Braun, Dr Andy C. McIntosh, Dmitri Mendeleev, Walter Lammerts, Flemming, Planck, Pupin, Millikan, Joachim Scheven, AE Wilder Smith with 3 earned doctorates in science! and on and on …

    ALL theists and creationists! But all stupid, evil dishonest, hypocrites according to the professional imbecile that made this page.
    Of course a self-styled genius such as the clueless twit that created those asinine pictures, would also know, in making that statement, that 65% of all Nobels were awarded to Christians?

    As Einstein wrote: “The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who – in their grudge against traditional religion as the ‘opium of the masses’ – cannot hear the music of the spheres.”

    And as Isaac Newton wrote, “Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors.”

    And even Voltaire nailed atheist for what they really are:
    “The atheists are for the most part imprudent and misguided scholars who reason badly who, not being able to understand the Creation, the origin of evil, and other difficulties, have recourse to the hypothesis the eternity of things and of inevitability…..” – Voltaire: Philosophical Dictionary

    Of course, gullible, easily fooled ignoramuses and naive dopes these days swallow every lie they were told by their atheist brainwashers. So, there’s no surprise that inane pages like this exist to show the 7.3 billion people on earth who are not atheists, just how incompetent and brain-dead atheists really are.


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      Neville [ Reply ]

      Wow Gary, you sound very angry and hateful in your post against atheists. Just because a lot of scientists from long ago believed in god, that doesn’t mean they were right. You have to also take into account that people back then we’re indoctrinated into religion from a very early age, and science was not as we know it now. But the real issue is not who believed and didn’t believe, it’s what is actually true. If you want, or need, religion in your life then that is your choice. Personally, I find it a ridiculous concept and find it difficult to understand how intelligent people can still believe in a god. My dog is scared of fireworks and barks at them, I assume she thinks there is something powerful and scary involved, as she doesn’t understand what they are. This is how religions began, not understanding natural phenomena like thunder, but now we have science!

      • Gravatar

        Most writers in history did not reveal their true feeling about god out of literal fear for their lives. The ones that did were persecuted. Talk about freedom from religion. Only a truly unreasonable refuses to question their own beliefs

    • Gravatar

      Wow. All that to show your distaste for Atheists. The insulting part of your post, and there is many but I’ll point out just one, is your decision to pick a quote from Albert Einstein. In his Autobiographical Notes, Einstein wrote that he had gradually lost his faith early in childhood. He was raised as a Jew, but in later life he rejected the idea of a “personal god”, a benevolent, human-like entity who took an interest in human affairs. I’d like to think Einstein was more of an agnostic atheist. Meaning, he couldn’t prove or deny the existence of a deity but didn’t believe there is just ONE personal god.

      And just like all the pastors, priest, etc, etc…around the world with their bibles, you cherry picked information to justify your narrative and agenda. Granted, you named some very intelligent scholars…all professionals in their respective field, but unfortunately you AND them all have ONE thing in common: The lack of Undeniable proof of the existence of God. Prove me wrong. I’ll be waiting.

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      Ethan Clarens [ Reply ]

      Wow but I think u missed the point that in those times, u get executed immediately if u reject God

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      Sorry Gary but u just missed the point that in those times when they lived, they would’ve get immediately executed when they say God is fake or sth like that
      Also I see Galileo, Kepler and other astronomers who got disgusted by those who believe the flat earth and that earth is the center of the universe

    • Gravatar

      Seriously? Why are you even on this page? To do as you did and be hateful to people who do not agree with you? As stated before, why can’t you let people think as they do & you can believe in what you want? Instead of always having to push your beliefs at us as you did on your 3 page post. Go back to church & leave us alone.

    • Gravatar
      Who created God then??? [ Reply ]

      Awww…someone had some acid for breakfast ehh..
      Listen if 99% people are not atheists then it’s 99 percent likely that a delusional believer would get a Nobel Prize.
      And even then it’s an excuse that you people have so that you can justify suffering on this planet.
      Wake up and do someone real work instead of Copy-Pastung other people’s thoughts.

    • Gravatar

      Irrationality? Well may be you should enlightenen us. Over 2/3 of world’s population are not Christian, many of them never heard of Jesus, others have been told from early age their own god is one and only. So are they all going to burn in hell for eternity just because of not knowing? There are hundreds if not thousands of religions and gods and zero evidence in favour of any, so rational person would either believe in all of them or none of them, otherwise you are just a gambler.

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      never mind [ Reply ]

      as a matter of honesty, the grudge you hold upon atheists make it easier for you not to compare notes…you’ve prejudged their words as dishonest thus any fact relayed may not seem true..it is right to believe that all religions might believe same god yet so differently that doctrines contradict…If by any chance one out of all available options in religion is correct….what are the chances that your doctrines are in line with the existing god…In the case that one of the most despised religions become only true religion, what would you end up saying about the years you toiled under the sun?….you are bleeding because someone so much hurt your belief ..what if he is right?

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      rock n roll [ Reply ]

      Grow up Gary. You are not 5 years old anymore and Santa Clause was really your dad.

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      Gayathri [ Reply ]

      Does thsese scientist won nobel prize or they became famous in the field of relegion???? Did they got any achievement on the basis of that..they are admired for their knowledge in science!!! And they are facts .

    • Gravatar

      If we can reason with religious people, there would not be any religion left. There are only 2 sides that so far still supporting religions. One, the brainwashed narrow minded people who are selfish and frightened of their “comfort’ in lives would go away when they die, so they need to make a booking for a place in heaven for ‘eternal’ happy life. Second, conman/crooks taking advantage of these brainwashed frightened selfish donkeys, and make money as a scam business, taking money and giving invisible product empty promise that nobody ever know or see. You must be either one.

    • Gravatar

      Gary. Please calm yourself. You’re gonna have an aneurysm. I’m not angry most ppl believe in imaginary gods. Likewise you shouldn’t be this angry some ppl don’t. Says way more about you than us. I suspect you have LOTS of doubt. Step into the light…

  11. Gravatar
    Sergio [ Reply ]

    Leat people believe wat want to believe,
    And let me the freedom, of a not believer
    Mutual respect
    And freedom of thinking

  12. Gravatar
    William Monell [ Reply ]

    Dear Gary
    What a comfort to learn that Werner bon Braun was.a believer!

  13. Gravatar
    Fazel Subian [ Reply ]

    God = ‘Avaricious, evolving in delusion’
    Allah = Bodisatva = To be Cease the delusion of a existent
    Lord = Rabb = Consciousness’
    We are dreaming because of our selfishness
    When we become selfless being, we wake up from the dream Nothingness/Oneness.
    Religions are true, the interpreters are wrong.
    ??????? ?? ? ????????
    The purpose of a religion is, a selfish to become a selfless being [
    This will lead you to be in unending presence and you will be experiencing the peace within yourself & that’s only known to you.
    The purpose is lost, prehistoric culture, Traditions and political agenda of individuals, remains as the religion.

  14. Gravatar

    Ok so Hinduism gave the world Zero, Algebra & also plastic surgery. Do you knowhow saints found out about these by reading older vedas(words of Gods).
    So not every religion can even reach the Hinduism because it requires knowledge & above said quotes are good but never practical.

    • Gravatar

      Its not hinduism that gave them.
      Its the human brain that gave them.
      Stop feeling proud dammit, even im a hindu myself.
      Those 3 things you’ve mentioned has nothing to do with the religion.
      Vedas are words of gods? Lmao
      Yo im gonna die laughing ??

  15. Gravatar
    Jim Burke [ Reply ]

    Where was God during the Holocaust?

  16. Gravatar
    Alan Wood [ Reply ]

    If I was marking God’s exam paper he would get an F for achievement. Anyone who can allow Covid to run rampant is either having a laugh or incompetent.

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    Ranjeet s [ Reply ]

    God is nothing but a thought or law . Created by early human to scare people not to harm each other . And then after religions were created , every religion(community). Make own law book that later called holly book… what do you think reply please it really mean to me ..

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      i think its true

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        Is God All powerful, or all good? [ Reply ]

        A lot of people think they have very good arguments for gods existence, they proudly say these things about god and their proof, well I’m going to be telling you why god, in fact, does not exist, You may be wondering why I care about what people do, why should I care if people believe in god or not? Because people waste their entire lives believing they will be transported to somewhere greater than earth if they do these certain deeds, but in every person their is a seed of doubt in this foolery, in these fairy tails. People mock Santa claws and the tooth fairy but believe in something far more insane, god. If God created humans and all living beings, then evolution is fake, but within our short recorded history, bacteria and viruses have evolved to counter penicillin and antibiotics we humans developed. Isn’t that proof of evolution? And all religions themselves show the very idea of evolution is real, as seen with the many branches and sub-branches then sub-sub branches of Christianity and Islam as they adapted to the local culture, climate, environment and political situation. There is no 1 denomination of Christianity, neither is there 1 school of Islamic thoughts. Same goes with Buddhism and many other religions in the world.

  18. Gravatar
    Bolivus Shagnasticus [ Reply ]

    I learned a very long time ago that just because you believe it doesn’t make it true. I found that out when the truth was brought out about a big fat guy in red suit. My parents told me that great lie and they went to church every Sunday. I started thinking for myself after that and I was only eight years old.

  19. Gravatar
    Richard [ Reply ]

    It seems to me that both theism and atheism are pointless exercises in hubris as neither can be proven. Because the human mind cannot encompass the concept of eternal divinity, pro or con, the agnostic emerges as the quiet stillness of reason, willing to just shut up and admit that objectively it is an unknown. Subjectively, it will continue to be whatever people deem they want it to be.

    • Gravatar
      Is god all powerful, Or all good? [ Reply ]

      Atheism is the belief that god dosent exist, which can be proven, it’s not a religion it’s the opposite, it’s based off of facts and information you see with your own eyes, your either one or the other, you believe in god or don’t.

  20. Gravatar
    axl4life229 [ Reply ]

    Think about It, Do what master say, Or you wont be allowed up In the big house. Don’t recognize him as your master, You will be punished severely. Ask master for what you want, and if you been obedient, you might get what you ask for. Obey the laws master set for you, or you will be tortured for eternity.. Sound familiar ? Religion Is Slavery..

  21. Gravatar

    I am god, don’t believe in me, I started it all as a joke and it got out of hand

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      Isabelle [ Reply ]

      You wish you were God! You are His creation, you’re not Him! Keep dreaming!

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    Paul Jay Pee [ Reply ]

    Nothing is above Reason/Evidence
    God’s Existence & Evil: Believers – God is omnipotent (body), omniscient (mind) & all-loving (heart) _ he knows or IGNORANT about evil, he is or IS NOT evil, he has or HAS NO POWER over evil.

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    Muslima [ Reply ]

    I think you all are treating like children, if you think the book is written by someone than how Quran words are correct before the science proofs. Now we can check them and proof what science is telling us but Allah told us everything in Quran. If you want to ask questions then go and check it with Quran. There is no God accept Allah. Atheist is getting a point that there is no god but you have to search for real one than read Quran and do justice with yourself

  24. Gravatar
    Saqib sanadi [ Reply ]

    For a moment i can believe Aliens created this universe for some experiment.
    But existence of God no ways.

  25. Gravatar
    Sheldon [ Reply ]

    I would be satisfied if the Bible started with “Once upon a time “
    and ended with “and they lived randomly ever after “

    ….Ohh and let’s yank that antitrust exemption

  26. Gravatar
    Is God, ALL POWERFULL, or ALL GOOD. [ Reply ]

    A lot of people think they have very good arguments for gods existence, they proudly say these things about god and their proof, well I’m going to be telling you why god, in fact, does not exist, You may be wondering why I care about what people do, why should I care if people believe in god or not? Because people waste their entire lives believing they will be transported to somewhere greater than earth if they do these certain deeds, but in every person their is a seed of doubt in this foolery, in these fairy tails. People mock Santa claws and the tooth fairy but believe in something far more insane, god. If God created humans and all living beings, then evolution is fake, but within our short recorded history, bacteria and viruses have evolved to counter penicillin and antibiotics we humans developed. Isn’t that proof of evolution? And all religions themselves show the very idea of evolution is real, as seen with the many branches and sub-branches then sub-sub branches of Christianity and Islam as they adapted to the local culture, climate, environment and political situation. There is no 1 denomination of Christianity, neither is there 1 school of Islamic thoughts. Same goes with Buddhism and many other religions in the world.

    What is God?
    God? he was created by humans to calm other people down, as something to tell your children so they can play and talk about these gods, as figurines, and wood carvings in ancient times, as paintings and stories, in ancient times. but over time, people really believed these stories, people had different ideas on god, those became the various religious as more and more people went across the world and spread their ideas, hence instead of one religion, there are thousands. These people who believed these stories over time began to write the stories in books, and through their insanity, they believed they were told by god to write these things down, they passed these books on to their children, telling them they were also chosen, and the children also wrote based on what was previously written, and what they were told by their parents, Or other people. People need a leader, and since they often hate the leader the world has, they created a perfect leader, god. Around the world, people believe the stories their parents tell them to this day, that’s why your not born in a Christian house randomly talking about Allah, or born into a Buddhist family praying to Brahman.

    How did the universe come to be?
    I’ll admit, scientists don’t know everything about the universe, but they know enough to not need to rely on an invisible sprit, that dosent have feelings(or shouldn’t), but requires you to pray and worship them in order for you pass on to a greater life. They Believe in evolution, and the theory of the Big Bang, I say theory, because it may not be true, but religious people don’t say that, they believe everything that’s in their holy book is a fact, when it’s not, it’s faith. Saying “God did it” or “God did that” is the laziest way to prove someone wrong. To say the same things flat earthears were saying in ancient times, when you have the information that the earth is round, is beyond sad. The Bible dosent tell you the same things science class does, if you didint have science class, people would still believe the earth was flat, people would still believe earth is the center of the universe. “But enough of that. You still haven’t explained how the universe came to be, how was the earth, how was life, created?.” Simple. The Big Bang, and life came from it, allow me to explain. Our entire solar system, dosent have life on it, everything in the Bible is talking about earth and no other planet, Jesus was earth, in Christianity, god is in earth, in Hinduism, everything about god is on earth, there was no mention of the solar system until recent years. Earth is simply, rare. There is no other life filled planet in billions of light years from earth, because it’s so incredibly rare, if god was real, and all powerful, multiple planets would have life, their is no other planet with life so far. God, an all powerful being wipes out possible life filled planets with comets. People can’t accept the fact that things are just the way they are, they need an all powerful being to be the answer, and I think that’s insane, no I know it’s insane.

    Is god, all powerful… or all good.
    Is god all powerful AND all good? You can’t say yes, because if he was the universe would be all good, due to his power, but it’s not. In Christianity, people believe hell is in the core of the earth… (again as a I said above, correlating with earth, because when people wrote these stories they didint know other planets existed, but god did?) God can’t be all powerful and all good at the same time, he watches children starve to death, he watches people get raped and murdered and escape freely. Yes, supposedly those people will burn in hell, but they will burn in hell 70 years after they kill that innocent person who preaches to god, and loved go so, so much. If heaven is so much better than earth, why are there Religious people still on earth? Why haven’t they all killed themselves in hope of going to heaven if the world is so horrible? Because that seed of doubt. People that are killed at 4 years old in fires, that had the slightest hope in god, will go heaven, or hell? This 4 year old hasn’t repented all of his sins, so will he be punished? That’s cruel and unusual punishment. An all good being, burning children’s souls in hell for all eternity because they stole an airhead from wegmans because they wanted candy, again, this is an all good being. Or what, is there an exuse for this in the Bible? If your under 10 years old and die, you’ll go to heaven, but on your 11th birthday, if you die and don’t know of god, you’ll burn for eternity. These are the type of things people say. People need to stop blaming every bad thing on the devil and on demons, god is an all powerful being, he could erase all of them from existince. People say he wants to give you free will, but the victim to the rape had no free will when they were later killed. many African Americans were hang for trying to have free will, people in revolutions around the world die because they want free will, not to long ago, Afghanistan girls die trying to go to school, now could an all powerful being let the devil do this much harm? He’s killing his loyal slaves and nothing is happening to him, again god is all powerful and all good, would an all good being wait to rid the world of the devil?

    Do we need a god?
    Who created God? and if God can exist without a creator, using the same principle, why can’t humans and all the living beings exist without a creator?Do we really need a cosmic force to tell us what’s right and what’s wrong? No we don’t, people that don’t believe in god are not savages that try and destroy the world, there are people who don’t believe in god that live normal lives. Why would you choose to have restrictions and regulations on your one human life, you get one life on earth why would you Spend that one life getting ready to leave? What do we need god for? We have parents, so it’s not for parenting, we can behave ourselves, and I have a lot more fun without some cosmic force whom I’ve never met telling me what to do. Do we need it to get ready to die? Is our whole point of existing to die and go to heaven? When you die it’s called death, in nature when trees die, they no longer are alive, there’s no difference with humans, when humans die, they want people to believe they move on to something greater. People often say, she’s in a better place now, people even say this with dogs and cats just to calm people down.

    Your still not convinced.
    If you were born into your religion and your over the age of 13, your probably never going to change your mind, you deny everything that’s against your precious all powerful being. You look at your holy book and want nothing more to leave this gross world full of sin and hatred, you want nothing more than to unite yourselves with god, except you don’t. You don’t 100% believe that god is there, that Jesus will return, that you will be reincarnated into someone else, you don’t believe that, I don’t care if you say you do, because you wouldn’t still be here, I’m not telling anyone to kill themselves, but if you wanted to go to heaven you would have done so a long time ago, or do all suicidal people go to hell. I’ll admit, there used to be a part me that believed in god, but then I realized I don’t need god, I’m fine with my family and nothings more important than my family. If you believe that some thing that has never shown his face is better than the one who protected you, and put a roof over your head, your just a bad person.

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      Elwyn Richards [ Reply ]

      I agree with almost everything you’ve stated. If anything debunks the existence of a Supreme Being, then the not so intelligent design theory most certainly does. If God created us then he made a damn poor job of it. God as a ‘perfect’ being should not be prone to error. And yet, just look at the human eye. If God created us then there shouldn’t be any faults in its design. But that is quite obviously not true, because as we age many of us require spectacles in order for us to be able to see. The same can be said for bodily replacements, such as knees and hips. Many of us, as we age, need hearing aids. I could cite other problems with the human body, designed by the not so ‘perfect’ designer, but the examples I have given should suffice. Intelligent Design is probably the most preposterous concept imaginable, and quite obviously utterly nonsensical.

  27. Gravatar
    Is God, ALL POWERFULL, or ALL GOOD. [ Reply ]

    What is God?
    God? he was created by humans to calm other people down, as something to tell your children so they can play and talk about these gods, as figurines, and wood carvings in ancient times, as paintings and stories, in ancient times. but over time, people really believed these stories, people had different ideas on god, those became the various religious as more and more people went across the world and spread their ideas, hence instead of one religion, there are thousands. These people who believed these stories over time began to write the stories in books, and through their insanity, they believed they were told by god to write these things down, they passed these books on to their children, telling them they were also chosen, and the children also wrote based on what was previously written, and what they were told by their parents, Or other people. People need a leader, and since they often hate the leader the world has, they created a perfect leader, god. Around the world, people believe the stories their parents tell them to this day, that’s why your not born in a Christian house randomly talking about Allah, or born into a Buddhist family praying to Brahman.

    How did the universe come to be?
    I’ll admit, scientists don’t know everything about the universe, but they know enough to not need to rely on an invisible sprit, that dosent have feelings(or shouldn’t), but requires you to pray and worship them in order for you pass on to a greater life. They Believe in evolution, and the theory of the Big Bang, I say theory, because it may not be true, but religious people don’t say that, they believe everything that’s in their holy book is a fact, when it’s not, it’s faith. Saying “God did it” or “God did that” is the laziest way to prove someone wrong. To say the same things flat earthears were saying in ancient times, when you have the information that the earth is round, is beyond sad. The Bible dosent tell you the same things science class does, if you didint have science class, people would still believe the earth was flat, people would still believe earth is the center of the universe. “But enough of that. You still haven’t explained how the universe came to be, how was the earth, how was life, created?.” Simple. The Big Bang, and life came from it, allow me to explain. Our entire solar system, dosent have life on it, everything in the Bible is talking about earth and no other planet, Jesus was earth, in Christianity, god is in earth, in Hinduism, everything about god is on earth, there was no mention of the solar system until recent years. Earth is simply, rare. There is no other life filled planet in billions of light years from earth, because it’s so incredibly rare, if god was real, and all powerful, multiple planets would have life, their is no other planet with life so far. God, an all powerful being wipes out possible life filled planets with comets. People can’t accept the fact that things are just the way they are, they need an all powerful being to be the answer, and I think that’s insane, no I know it’s insane.

    Is god, all powerful… or all good.
    Is god all powerful AND all good? You can’t say yes, because if he was the universe would be all good, due to his power, but it’s not. In Christianity, people believe hell is in the core of the earth… (again as a I said above, correlating with earth, because when people wrote these stories they didint know other planets existed, but god did?) God can’t be all powerful and all good at the same time, he watches children starve to death, he watches people get raped and murdered and escape freely. Yes, supposedly those people will burn in hell, but they will burn in hell 70 years after they kill that innocent person who preaches to god, and loved go so, so much. If heaven is so much better than earth, why are there Religious people still on earth? Why haven’t they all killed themselves in hope of going to heaven if the world is so horrible? Because that seed of doubt. People that are killed at 4 years old in fires, that had the slightest hope in god, will go heaven, or hell? This 4 year old hasn’t repented all of his sins, so will he be punished? That’s cruel and unusual punishment. An all good being, burning children’s souls in hell for all eternity because they stole an airhead from wegmans because they wanted candy, again, this is an all good being. Or what, is there an exuse for this in the Bible? If your under 10 years old and die, you’ll go to heaven, but on your 11th birthday, if you die and don’t know of god, you’ll burn for eternity. These are the type of things people say. People need to stop blaming every bad thing on the devil and on demons, god is an all powerful being, he could erase all of them from existince. People say he wants to give you free will, but the victim to the rape had no free will when they were later killed. many African Americans were hang for trying to have free will, people in revolutions around the world die because they want free will, not to long ago, Afghanistan girls die trying to go to school, now could an all powerful being let the devil do this much harm? He’s killing his loyal slaves and nothing is happening to him, again god is all powerful and all good, would an all good being wait to rid the world of the devil?

    Do we need a god?
    Who created God? and if God can exist without a creator, using the same principle, why can’t humans and all the living beings exist without a creator?Do we really need a cosmic force to tell us what’s right and what’s wrong? No we don’t, people that don’t believe in god are not savages that try and destroy the world, there are people who don’t believe in god that live normal lives. Why would you choose to have restrictions and regulations on your one human life, you get one life on earth why would you Spend that one life getting ready to leave? What do we need god for? We have parents, so it’s not for parenting, we can behave ourselves, and I have a lot more fun without some cosmic force whom I’ve never met telling me what to do. Do we need it to get ready to die? Is our whole point of existing to die and go to heaven? When you die it’s called death, in nature when trees die, they no longer are alive, there’s no difference with humans, when humans die, they want people to believe they move on to something greater. People often say, she’s in a better place now, people even say this with dogs and cats just to calm people down.

    Your still not convinced.
    If you were born into your religion and your over the age of 13, your probably never going to change your mind, you deny everything that’s against your precious all powerful being. You look at your holy book and want nothing more to leave this gross world full of sin and hatred, you want nothing more than to unite yourselves with god, except you don’t. You don’t 100% believe that god is there, that Jesus will return, that you will be reincarnated into someone else, you don’t believe that, I don’t care if you say you do, because you wouldn’t still be here, I’m not telling anyone to kill themselves, but if you wanted to go to heaven you would have done so a long time ago, or do all suicidal people go to hell. I’ll admit, there used to be a part me that believed in god, but then I realized I don’t need god, I’m fine with my family and nothings more important than my family. If you believe that some thing that has never shown his face is better than the one who protected you, and put a roof over your head, your just a bad person.

  28. Gravatar

    If god knows the future he didn’t know his creation will go against him or he wanted to punish them…why kill the sinner and not the originator of sin (satan)..why not kill devil when he went against him in heaven but throw him down to his weak children ….

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    Elizabeth [ Reply ]

    This is for all those people who don’t believe there is a GOD! Which there is, He will one day come back and you’ll see Him in all His glory, I accept every religion but it’s just a comment, like chill! Are they pointing a gun to your head to make you believe, no! He wants us to have ETERNAL LIFE with Him! He died on the Cross for US!! Forgives us for our worst sins! He didn’t have to die for us, we wouldn’t even be here! Believe everything you want, believe in fake gods, just stop insulting people who do believe in God! It’s honestly a shame, God is there for each and everyone of us, forgives you, loves you even when you don’t, He loves us so. much He gave us two paths, you can either see His footprints in front or beside you! He didn’t have to suffer for us, that shows His love for us! I’m not pushing you to believe in what I believe, those are lies, I’m stating the truth thanks to the Holy Spirit!
    FYI bad people will not triumph and He will all judge us one day!

  30. Gravatar

    How do you know there is a god?

    How do you know it’s a ‘he’ and he will return one day? Does not your ‘Holy’ book say that your god has ‘always been all-present and always will be’? How, then, can he be both present and not present?

    He seems non-existent and dead people seem non-existent. How can somebody that dies have ‘eternal life with him’?

    He ‘died on a cross for us,’ but has ‘lived forever and ever’? If he did not die on this cross, we would not be here? Your story might result from a bad game of telephone tag. Have you considered that?

    What does it mean to ‘forgive us of our worst sins’? If he is ‘all-loving,’ how can he keep track of ‘sins’?

    He ‘loves us even when we don’t [love ourselves].’ If this is so, why would he keep track of ‘sin’?

    You say this god fellow gave us two paths and either [will] walk beside or in front of us. What about the paths? Since you say you walk with him, can you recommend having him walk beside us or in front of us? Is he good at giving tours?

    You say you are ‘stating the truth’ thanks to the ‘Holy Spirit.’ How do you know this ‘Holy Spirit’ is not lying to you? Or, if this ‘Holy Spirit’ is telling the truth, that you have not misunderstood what you heard?

    Finally, you say, ‘bad people will not triumph,’ that ‘he will judge us [everybody] one day!’ How could this ‘all-loving’ fellow create ‘bad people’ in the first place? If he did create these ‘bad people,’ why would he ‘judge us [all] one day’? Since he is ‘all-powerful’ and controls everything, is not everybody always doing ‘his will’?

    Well, Elizabeth, I admit, I find what you have told me about your god, who died but didn’t die, has a Holy Spirit that tells the truth to people ‘who believe.’ Still, they all seem to know and believe differently and contradictorily, pretty confusing.

    Please forgive me if I do not start believing him, in him, or whatever you need to do to be with him, even though he is already everywhere and has been forever and ever.

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    Kieran [ Reply ]

    As Epicurus said, “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
    This is probably my favorite quote, along with a few by Einstein. It was these questions(among others) that made me an atheist. Questions I could never get the answer to, despite asking priests and Christians(including my own mother), because they never had a rational response(or avoided the question entirely).

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