30 Helpful Suicidal Prevention, Ideation, Thoughts And Quotes

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How to successfully commit suicide painlessly? What is the easiest way of suicide? If you are googling these keywords or happened to know someone that is depress and contempt suicide, the best way to help yourself or your friend is to listen.

Continue ➤ 65 Courageous Quotes On Giving Up An Unhealthy Relationship

Most people who consider suicide don’t really want to die, they just don’t know how to cope with or eliminate the pain they are going through. The first signs of a suicidal person is depression, followed by isolationism and eventually suicidal idealization. Without further ado, here are 30 poster quotes on helping your friends with suicidal thoughts, share it on Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter, create awareness.

Remember, because if you kill yourself, you’re also going to kill the people who love you. What if you want your family to feel that pain? Then I have bad news, the best revenge is not to end your life, the best revenge is to grow stronger and be better to prove them wrong.

On feeling depressed and suicidal, there remains a huge amount of stigma around depression, but if they look at what an average human is up against, feelings of depression are entirely normal, indeed, to be expected. They don’t need to compound their misery through a sense that it’s either unusual or unwarranted.

If you hate your life, change your way of living, suicide should not be committed because what if...
If you hate your life, change your way of living, suicide should not be committed because what if…

You have the power to say, This is not how my story will end.
You have the power to say, “This is not how my story will end.”

But in the end, one needs more courage to live than to kill himself. Be strong.
But in the end, one needs more courage to live than to kill himself. Be strong.

See More ➤  40 Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes On War, Religion, Politics And Government

When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long.
When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long.

Suicide doesn't end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.
Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.

Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You're alive for a reason so don't ever give up.
Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.

The person who suicide, dies once. Those they left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and ask why?
The person who suicide, dies once. Those they left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and ask why?

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.

Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else.
Suicide doesn’t end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else.

Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey.
Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey.

Don't give up. You're still got a couple of people to prove wrong.
Don’t give up. You’re still got a couple of people to prove wrong.

They can't rescue you if they don't know you need it. Ask for help to fight another day.
They can’t rescue you if they don’t know you need it. Ask for help to fight another day.

Don't lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
Don’t lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.

I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.
I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not thinking, not wondering, not imagining, not obsessing and just breathe. Have faith that everything will work out for the best.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is not thinking, not wondering, not imagining, not obsessing and just breathing. Have faith that everything will work out for the best.

Every flower must grow through dirt.
Every flower must grow through dirt.

Life has it's ups and downs. Keep on swinging.
Life has it’s ups and downs. Keep on swinging.

If you're looking for a sign not to kill yourself tonight, this is it.
If you’re looking for a sign not to kill yourself tonight, this is it.

When things are tough, you must be tougher. Show them that your life can be better. Prove them wrong.
When things are tough, you must be tougher. Show them that your life can be better. Prove them wrong.

See More ➤  43 Sarcastic Quotes For Annoying Boss Or Colleague In Your Office

The coward sneaks to death; the brave live on.
The coward sneaks to death; the brave live on.

You have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light. You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it.
You have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light. You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it.

Be like the lotus, they too must rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.
Be like the lotus, they too must rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.

Sometimes life pushes us to their limits, it tests us beyond their endurance, because God only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.
Sometimes life pushes us to their limits, it tests us beyond their endurance, because God only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.

Tough times don't last, tough people do. Everybody wants to be a diamond, the more it is cut, the brighter it sparkles. Remember, diamonds are created under pressure from dirty coal.
Tough times don’t last, tough people do. Everybody wants to be a diamond, the more it is cut, the brighter it sparkles. Remember, diamonds are created under pressure from dirty coal.

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a know and hang on.
When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. The moment you're ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens. Don't give up.
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. The moment you’re ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens. Don’t give up.

Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.
Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.

Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. You can't have a rainbow without the rain.
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. You can’t have a rainbow without the rain.

You may not understand today or tomorrow, but eventually God will reveal why you went through everything you did.
You may not understand today or tomorrow, but eventually God will reveal why you went through everything you did.


  1. Gravatar
    Tor-Ivar Krogsæter [ Reply ]

    Some of these are inspirational; thank you for those. Some of these anger me, however, particularly those that try to ‘help’ by inciting bad conscience, and especially ‘The coward sneaks to death; the brave live on.’

    • Gravatar

      I agree 100%!
      Suicidal people are not cowards and using guilt is not an effective way to help a suicidal person.

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        Rock Gower [ Reply ]

        Yeah I agree with you. We can speak life or death with our words. We should speak life to each other there is aready enough death ..

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        Jesuseyi [ Reply ]

        I agree with you dear.

      • Gravatar

        I agree with you on that one. It irked me. My daughter died from suicide one year ago. She fought her depression for 11 years. I didn’t like that at all. Some of them are beautiful though.

    • Gravatar
      CM Evans [ Reply ]

      Agree, especially about that one. If you’ve ever dealt with someone in such despair that they were suicidal, you’d definitely know some of these are just wrong. Truly and sincerely thank you, though, for the other, inspiring quotes.

    • Gravatar
      Andrea [ Reply ]

      I don’t like that one either. I lost my son to suicide and it wasn’t because he was a coward… he was 15 with all kinds of hormones going crazy and not knowing how to talk to others about how he was feeling. He said he couldn’t/ didn’t know how to stop his demons from talking

    • Gravatar
      Ashley [ Reply ]

      I agree!

    • Gravatar
      Janey csmpbell [ Reply ]

      Just want to talk or to find out how to leave this world

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        Crystal [ Reply ]

        Are you okay? I’m here to talk if u want. Please don’t give up

  2. Gravatar
    Franchezca Marie Zarraga [ Reply ]

    Hi! These statements are great. Can we get permission to use these statements for our project in school for Mental Health Awareness? This month the theme for our project is about suicide. We will surely credit you for these amazing quotes. Thank you in advance. x

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      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      sure, go ahead. good luck.

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      Emptyinsideblanklookonface [ Reply ]

      Oh dear! Maybe it’s my state of mind but I have never read such utter nonsence quotes. Suicide prevention? Has anyone who wrote these been through some attempts? I mean “when you come at the and of a rope put a knot in it and hang on?” Let it sink in! “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” true, but what if the problem is humanity, the permanent solution is heaven in that case. “The coward sneaks to death; the brave live on.” Only an idiot or masochist would endure daily bashings with no end. “If you hate your life, change your way of living, suicide should not be committed because what if…” True it’s comitted because of is! if if’s and but’s could heal the world… “Tough times don’t last, tough people do. Everybody wants to be a diamond, the more it is cut, the brighter it sparkles. Remember, diamonds are created under pressure from dirty coal.” Why on eart does it need to be cut? Why do we have to be like they want us to be, why can’t they accept us how we are, diamonds in the rough. We don’t need to sparkle. Last one for the road “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” Now I’m doubting between hanging myself, jumping of a bridge or just a frontal crash against a truck, as you quote “it’s going to be worth it”

  3. Gravatar
    nikolas [ Reply ]

    these quotes that have to make me not kill myself just give me guilt for thinking of it
    this just makes me want to do it even more

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      Idk no more [ Reply ]

      I completely agree sure maybe some other people may think they’re great but tbh these quotes have encouraged me

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        Shannon O'Brien [ Reply ]

        Im sorry, I am the grand daughter, daughter, & ex wife of 3 men who committed suicide. I AM ALLOWED TO BE MAD!! & while you think guilt does nothing to change a mind your wrong. However you are entitled to feel that way. I personally would rather have had any of those 3 men live with the guilt of living than have shoved down my throat the guilt of them dying! With no say in the matter at all. Their troubles didn’t go away. My grandmother’s house still went into foreclosure, my mother still married another man, & my children & I still had to move into a smaller home and learn to live with less. All the of those things only stopped for those 3 men. Not for my grandmother, my mom, me! And we had to handle these things while mourning while FEELING GUILTY!!! (a guilt that by thr way NEVER goes away.) So…. that’s my opinion as a granddaughter, who loved my pop. A daughter who adored my father. And the wife of a man who I swore to love forever, whose children I had to go on & raise alone.
        Im sitting here crying now. It never ever leaves you. It hurts as much today as 30 yrs ago when my grandmother came to our house at 6:00 am January 11 to tell us he was gone.
        My grandmother who had to bury her husband ,& tell her children their father was gone. (I never would have believed that one day I would have with my own children) As my mother wad having ti do that terrible day. And you know what, while Im getting it out I maybe can understand if a person has no idea what kind of life long pain suicide brings but my dad, he knew. He knew what it did to him. He knew what it did to my grandmother. To his brother & sister. So yeah Im allowed to mad. And so is anyone else who had someone make that awful decision

    • Gravatar

      Thank you for inspiring me to go ahead and do it. I’ve contemplated it for probably 30 years, because…you know….chronic depression and all. Lifelong mental disorder that can and often does dominate the majority of my days. But thanks for all your encouragement from these ignorant quotes. You lost me at coward.

      • Gravatar

        I agree wholeheartedly with you Bryan. Some of these quotes are extremely discouraging.

        However I would like to encourage you to keep going I have no idea what it’s like to struggle through days like you do I have days that I feel down But I can’t even imagine how you feel and I won’t try to but I do care about your life and if I could change something for you even without knowing you I would do it right now…Bryan your life is very precious, Please continue to press through I know it’s been a long time but the fact that you’re still here shows your strength and your courage And that you are fighting for better days don’t give up, press on Bryan, press on. Your life is important to me.

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        Girl needing help [ Reply ]

        I agree 100% I am only 18 years old but I have attempted it multiple times before.

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          Sselhtrow [ Reply ]

          I’m only 15 abd just this year I have tried 19 times

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            I’m 11 and have been debating whether I should kill myself or not. I’ve only been stopped by the pain of stabbing,jumping off a cliff or whatever. I’m turning twelve this year and keep going back and forth on this problem. I don’t want to die, but I’m just so depressed I think I might snap. I’ve tried going to a mental doctor or whatever, but I’ve never been able to trust anybody but telling them all bc I know they will tell my mum. One of my mum’s jobs is a mental health and mind person,or something like that and yet it is impossible to tell her. One day I did though. Then she made me promise not to kill myself. Yet she still makes life hard for me and everyone else. You might be thinking I’m exaggerating. Well I’m not, if only you lived in my half family. Who don’t even act like my family. Anyway, I’m trying to convince myself to not kill myself but you guys are making it extremely hard. If you don’t think this is helpful keep it to your self! Kids like me could have a far more worse life then you at half your age. This might be helpful to them or you. If it’s not to them or you, look at a different website. You can’t just make a decision and have a chance of 100%. You need to look at others.

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            Hi Sselhtrow
            I know what is like to be where you are. Don’t give up brave one. You got this.

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          For you and others who have tried or are contemplating on suicide…Please ask for help and fight through your urges. I lost my daughter in a car accident and I can’t even express the pain and loss I felt and still feel. It’s been 2 years now she was only 23 years old. At the time I didn’t want to live, but now I am glad I never did anything, because even though my problem still exists not having my daughter in my life, but I’m in a better place now and I am thankful I never gave into those feelings. All I know is if you make that choice to end your life, the pain you feel now will only be passed onto someone else instead of you getting help and or letting time pass to get to a better place. Please don’t do it to your family and friends, you would give them a pain no mother or friend should ever have to experience, because of their love for you!! Reach out and talk to someone until you did the right person that can help you. Never stop trying, you will find what will work for you. Sometimes it takes time to get you the right help. May God Bless you and give you peace. Also on my religion suicide is a sin and you won’t go to Heaven. Even if that’s not your belief that’s okay, just wanted to put that out there for the ones who do believe.

    • Gravatar

      My thoughts exactly

  4. Gravatar
    Nicholas Street [ Reply ]

    Hi geckgoandfly,

    I’m writing to you to see if I can use one of your quotes on my poster “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” I am going to use this to prevent people committing suicide. I’ve asked the SAVE program that works on this kind of problem to use their logo so that the quote would connect together so it would show that the audience can get guidance from this company. If you decide to i would put your website at the bottom of the quote I have made my very own poster that hows an example of what 16 year old’s could get bullied from so I chosen social bullying so i would only just use the quote not the background or the person knelling down on the grave.

    Your Sincerely,

    Nicholas Street

  5. Gravatar
    Joyce Ann Oplimo [ Reply ]

    Hi, can I have your permission to repost these great works to my own personal social media account? Lately, suicidal news has been bothering me and I wanted to help. through this

  6. Gravatar
    Caydence [ Reply ]

    These are crazy bad. Well some are good but jeese man they arent cowards!!

  7. Gravatar
    Takyi Williams [ Reply ]

    I tried to commit suicide yesterday evening around 18: 25 because I’m facing a very big physical problem.

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      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      Hope you are alright, there is a saying – Do not complain about your ugly shoe, because there are many unfortunate people without feet. Best Motivation by the Man with No Arms and No Legs – Nick Vujicic Inspirational Video

    • Gravatar

      You’re not alone my friend

  8. Gravatar
    Takyi Williams [ Reply ]

    Joyce Ann Oplimo,. I hope you can help me to get solutions of my problems, because it is worrying my life for almost 14 years now

  9. Gravatar
    Gggirl [ Reply ]

    Thank for these they inspire me more to live on. I’ve been struggling with the thoughts but these help me to not commit it even more. Thank for your help.

  10. Gravatar

    You have amazing quotes … it helps.. don’t ever give up. Thank you! ??

  11. Gravatar

    these quotes don’t help at all.

    • Gravatar

      They do my friend!
      Trust me i feel different than before reading this! <3

  12. Gravatar

    Hi im creating quote posts to decorate a bridge it is ok to use some please TIA

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      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      sure, go ahead

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        Heavy Hearted [ Reply ]

        I have been as open about wanting to die feeling overwhelmed, not able to see a way out of my stormy life, etc. How many times can you ask for help without being heard or helped do you think people can take when really the only thing keeping me from doing it is knowing how it’s gonna hurt the people who love me but can’t hear me asking for their help?

  13. Gravatar
    Sudhakar [ Reply ]

    Hiii sir can I have your permission to repost in my fb. I’m creating one group “Think a second for your Life” plzz sir give permission

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      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      Sure, hopefully it helps.

      • Gravatar

        Hi Ngan Tengyuen
        Could I have your permission to use some of the quotes in an ebook I am writing about suicide prevention? I just learned about project semicolon and thought id write an ebook telling my own story and just how suicidal people actually think and feel.

        • Gravatar
          Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

          Hi there, sure, go ahead and use it. Good luck on your book.

  14. Gravatar
    Mike Strassner [ Reply ]

    Can we use some of your suicide prevention images/quotes in a suicide prevention campaign?

    • Gravatar
      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      Hi Mike, sure. Hopefully it helps.

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      Hannah [ Reply ]

      The person who commits suicide only dies once and the rest die thousands of times is bs. The person who killed themselves killed themselves because the people who they “left behind” didn’t love them enough to save them.

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        Susan gee [ Reply ]

        Please dont say commit people who die by suicide are ill like my lovely son who died this way on april 29th 2019 my heart is broken and your wronged hannah we love our son with all our hearts

        • Gravatar

          Wow! Some of these are simply truly awful. I lost my mother to mental illness/suicide. She wasn’t a coward, she asked for help and was ignored by my narcissistic father for years.

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            You’re not alone my friend

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        My cousin’s brother just killed himself yesterday and the family is DEVASTATED. They loved him immensely and completely and had NO idea he even entertained these thoughts so your comment is rude and hateful and well, stupid.

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        Nicholas [ Reply ]

        Right… I agree with you

  15. Gravatar
    Chi_Nai [ Reply ]

    Oh? So I’m a Coward Because I want to End My Life…Wow???‍♀️

    • Gravatar

      I know right? If I had come here to be told that I would have just listened to what everybody else has told me on the daily for the past 31 years.

  16. Gravatar

    Clearly the authors of most of these quotes understand nothing about depression, mental health and suicide. You are promulgating dangerous stereotypes about depression and suicide and highlight the exact reasons that talking about the subject is taboo. Seriously people, the idea that you would put these on signs to help persuade people not to commit suicide is absurd at best and more likely dangerous than not.

  17. Gravatar
    just your average 14 yr old [ Reply ]

    It’s 1:52 am and here i am again back with the same thoughts of wanting to end the pain. “Oh she’s only 14 she doesn’t know anything about life yet” you’re thinking to yourself ,, but then you’re not a 14 year old girl. Pressured by today’s society to be stick thin and to look gorgeous. You are at competition with everyone around you to have the most likes and followers. What happens if you don’t have that , well it’s difficult. You get bullied if you’re different in the slightest way. I know it all sounds so silly and with all these adults telling you to ‘just be yourself’ and ‘it’s okay to be different’. Oh god if only you knew what it was like. Everyone’s telling each other they’re happy but they’re telling white lies. Who would be happy with this. We are pressured to be society’s version of perfect. It’s now 1:57 and here i am sat in darkness with tears rolling down down my face whispering to myself “i’m fine”. Oh if only that was the truth.

    • Gravatar
      Teresa P [ Reply ]

      Im now 43, still not stick thin still not as gorgeous as my sister, still the black sheep, i felt the way u feel all though my childhood, i am glad i was unsuccessful at ending my life, i now have my amazing sons life is still an uphill battle but if i had not survived i never would have had the chance to have a family of my own, im still alone other than my boys, but im alive and loved by them…..lifes not easy but its definitely worth it to endure the pain just to see the smiles on their faces…..dont give up, youll never know what great things are to come ;)

  18. Gravatar
    b.e. singer [ Reply ]

    Life is about choice
    Express your voice.
    If you liked yourself,
    you’d be murdering your best friend….
    so choose to like and love yourself
    just the way it is/you are.

    Tony Soprano cure for depression based on
    what you have no control over:
    Go to a comedy club tonight or this weekend.

  19. Gravatar
    11 year old girl [ Reply ]

    The one about God putting his strongest soldiers in the toughest situations, it made me think about things. With the type of person I am, I’m not cut out for what the world likes to throw at me. So, if there is a god, why did he make me so fragile just to smash me against the pavement over and over again?

  20. Gravatar

    Some people have it better of than others! As a teen with depression who wants to end my life some of these quotes were stupid and ignorant. Don’t make quotes on things you don’t understand. “the coward sneaks to death; the brave live on”……
    Really? You don’t have any idea how angry I am right now. So I’m a coward for wanting to die for what my family puts me through? Wow.
    And the first one? “if you hate your life, change ypur way of living bc what if….”
    ok call me stupid for this, but what if what? And what if there is no way to get out of/change the current situation that you are in? What if someone is getting abused verbally where its hard to find proof? They have to change the way they think and agree with the abuser or something?
    This doesn’t make me not want to suicide, it just gets me so angry because clearly you understand anything about depression, yet you put up some ignorant quotes about it. So much for you ‘helpful’ Suicide prevention quotes. I’m sorry if I’m being rude and it is not my intention to hurt/offend anyone by saying these things, but some of these quotes are utter nonsense.

  21. Gravatar

    I’m really sorry if my comment was rude ^

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      Riqui Hess [ Reply ]

      There are a few here that are worded well. That’s it though. This really should be taken down. It’s not helpful for those that are struggling and it does not help those looking to help someone else. Anyone that reads these has a right to be stirred by a few of them, at the very least. Please remember that if you’re ever in crisis, there are places to turn in order to talk to someone. You can text “hello” to 741741 or call the suicide hotline at 800-273-8255. I’ve been where you are myself and I lost my husband to suicide. I feel you and I feel for you. You are not alone. Push Through;

  22. Gravatar

    The intent behind most of these is good; however, the grammar is SO poor, the power is lost. Seriously, if you aren’t comfortable in your grammar and punctuation skills, hire an editor.

    • Gravatar

      I saw one on facebook just a few minutes ago and it’s so poorly written, it’s embarrassing.

  23. Gravatar
    Richard [ Reply ]

    I am struggling so much and I keep looking for another reason and another reason to keep fighting. I looked over the words and I cried at everyone. I just wish I could see light instead of so much dark. And the comment about you can die once but the people you leave behind die inside over and over.
    So I know now I need to keep suffering so everyone else is ok. Just gets hard.
    I will keep fighting.

  24. Gravatar

    I would like to use a few of these selected quotes in a booklet for seniors dealing with depression. May I have permission to do so, please, with credit to your site? Thanks.

  25. Gravatar
    Nicholas [ Reply ]

    I have got to understand nobody cares about how you live your life. The society i live in is a society base on lies and deceit i cant lie to live… i just want a perfect death, a death that comes with peace..
    I m 26 i have tried committing suicide thrice i want to end it all not because i am a coward but just because i decide to rest my worries and fears.
    I wish i can talk to someone before the next attempt

  26. Gravatar
    Dhavis p [ Reply ]

    Are these public domain quotes?
    Can I get permission to use some of your quotes on a website for a project of mine on suicide prevention?

  27. Gravatar
    Dhavis p [ Reply ]

    I’m writing to seek permission to use some of your quotes on a website for a project of mine on suicide prevention and also can I know whether these are public domain quotes.
    Thank you.

  28. Gravatar

    As a suicide professional, some of these quotes are going to cause way more harm than good. They actually are passing on incorrect information and increasing stigma. Do some research before creating and posting things like this!

  29. Gravatar
    selensingj [ Reply ]

    Im here today reading all these comments with soo many sucidial thoughts . Im looking for an easy way for suicide and these comments that passes me a different Im not alone 😔

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