Download FREE Kaspersky Standard, Plus, and Premium Antivirus 30 Days Trial

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As a person that reviews antivirus software, I made it a must to use a brand new antivirus software every year, I purchased Norton, Kaspersky, BitDefender, and used many other free security software too. My conclusion is the best antivirus software is common sense, means do not simply download software from unreliable source and click on links from unknown emails.

Continue ➤ Avast Internet Security 2019 Review [ Download 30 Days Trial ]

Kaspersky is a cybersecurity company that develops and sells antivirus software, internet security solutions, and other cybersecurity products and services. It was founded in 1997 by Eugene Kaspersky in Russia and has since grown to become one of the leading cybersecurity firms globally.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Kaspersky offers a range of products for individual users, small businesses, and large enterprises to protect against viruses, malware, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats. For those new to Kaspersky Antivirus software, do note that the USA’s CIA claims Kaspersky Antivirus software comes with hidden backdoors, maybe it is true, then again, what do you expect the CIA to say? They trust Kaspersky? What antivirus software has the best battery life performance?

Download Free Kaspersky 2025 Trial

Kaspersky Standard screen shot

Kaspersky Standard screen shot

Kaspersky Standard enhances your security by improving your device performance. It provides you the capability of safe web browsing, app management, anti-phishing, and some others. Repel threats to your devices, apps, and networks with security that boosts your cybersecurity and privacy even more than before. Here are some features which are given by Kaspersky Standard:

  • Safe Web Browsing
  • Existing Virus Removal
  • Anti-phishing
  • Two-Way Firewall
  • Device Space Cleanup

Kaspersky Plus screen shot

Kaspersky Plus screen shot

Kaspersky Plus screen shot

Kaspersky Plus screen shot

Kaspersky Plus provides you with security with performance and privacy features. It protects your devices by using its two-way firewall, anti-phishing, and existing virus removal capabilities. A total cybersecurity solution including comprehensive privacy and identity tools developed to safeguard your account data, passwords, and browsing. Features which are given by Kaspersky Plus Trial:

  • Safe Web Browsing
  • Device Space Cleanup
  • App Management
  • Do Not Disturb Mode
  • Data Leak Checker

Kaspersky Premium screen shot

Kaspersky Premium screen shot

Kaspersky offers complete protection by its Premium Plan. You can protect your devices from all types of threats. Its strong Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware features protect your devices from all internet threats using its complete protection capabilities. Safeguard your digital life with our ultimate plan, combining award-winning antivirus, privacy & identity protection, performance boost and must-have premium benefits such as unlimited VPN and password manager. Here are some features given in the Kaspersky premium plan:

  • Anti-virus, Anti-Malware, and Anti-Ransomware
  • Device Space Cleanup
  • Crypto Threat Protection
  • Unlimited and Fast VPN

Each Kaspersky plan uses cutting-edge AI technology to detect and stop any type of online threat – even ones that haven’t been seen before. So every time you connect to the internet, they protect your privacy by blocking unauthorized attempts to access your webcam or track your activity on websites, secure your payments in a hacker-proof Protected Browser when you shop or bank online, and keep intruders out of your network and check websites and emails are safe for you to open.

Their security runs seamlessly in the background, giving you maximum protection while using minimal resources on your device. The Kaspersky Standard, Plus, and Premium plans consistently win top marks for performance in independent reviews. On top of that, you can customize your protection by choosing the components you want to install, and disabling them later if you change your mind, and also schedule antivirus scans to run when you’re not using your computer.

Antivirus software has been criticized in recent years for being almost as intrusive as the malware it’s supposed to protect you against. But they do security differently – putting you in control. On a Kaspersky plan, you can choose the notifications (if any) you want to receive from us or pause all updates and alerts while you’re working or gaming – using one single setting.

Kaspersky plan comparison

Their multilayered protection secures your devices and data 24/7, so you can rest easy knowing that we are there, finding and removing common and complex cyberthreats as they happen. Protect your digital life with our ultimate plan, offering award-winning antivirus, privacy and identity protection, performance optimisation, and must-have premium benefits. Available to use on many devices, including PC, Mac, iPhone, Android & iPad.

  • Antivirus – Continuously protects your devices against viruses and malware, including complex threats like fileless attacks and rootkits.
  • Anti-Hacking – Blocks malicious sites, phishing emails, infected ads, and credit card skimmers created by hackers to steal your data.
  • Anti-Ransomware – Monitors your PC for ransomware and stops any attack before it happens, ensuring your files can’t be held hostage.
  • Windows PC Speed Up – Allows you to turn off data-hungry apps and stop some apps from opening as you switch your PC on, helping it run faster.
  • Device Space Clean Up – Removes duplicate and large files from your PC and declutters unused apps from your Android phone.
  • Personal & payment info protection – Guards your banking apps, identifies data and password leaks, and protects you from crypto scams.
  • Private and Uninterrupted Browsing – Tools to stop online tracking, ads, and unauthorised connections to your home’s devices, so your data and smart home system are secure.
  • 24/7 Remote IT Support – Premium support for premium customers – helping you resolve security issues around the clock.
See More ➤  Download Free 60-Days Symantec Endpoint Protection 2025 Trial

Kaspersky Internet Security [ Old Review ]

Between Symantec Norton Security and Kaspersky Lab, I trust Symantec Norton Security more than Kaspersky, however, due to the fact that Symantec has not made available their latest Norton One in my country, couple with the fact they have stopped selling physical boxes of Norton Internet Security, which is at least 30% cheaper than buying it online.

Therefore I’ve decided to give Kaspersky a go for one year until Norton One is launched in my country or Kaspersky performs miserably on my PC. Download the free 30-Day fully functional trial version of Kaspersky line of product. Kaspersky Internet Security 2025 delivers:

  • Protects your PC against today’s Internet threats
  • Adds extra security for online banking & shopping
  • Safeguards your privacy and personal information
  • Helps protect your children against online threats
  • Combines superior security & optimized performance

Kaspersky Internet Security

I like the scratch card thing, to activate my Kaspersky Internet Security, I’ll have to scratch off the layer to reveal the activation code. Kind of like playing the lottery, only more expensive. As for the promotion code, I have no idea what it is and have absolutely no interest in it.

Kaspersky Internet Security

From what I read, Kaspersky Internet Security is equally good, more affordable and it comes with more features compared to Norton Internet Security. The physical box is way bigger than Norton’s DVD box size, unlike some of Norton’s products, Kaspersky comes with a DVD whereas some of my previous Norton’s products come with an activation code only. Bandwidth is not an issue for me, thus downloading GB of files is not a big problem.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Installation was a breeze, double click on the DVD and it loads automatically. I believe most antiviruses are the same, no more various checkboxes to uncheck. If I am not mistaken, Avast, Avira, AVG, Panda, BitDefender and more all come with a 1 click installation process, it makes perfect sense. However the uninstallation process is a whole different thing, more often than not, you are begged not to uninstall and if you choose so, you will be asked to fill in a form as to why you decided to give up on their product.

kaspersky internet security

An example of the activation code.

kaspersky internet security

The first task to perform in all newly installed antivirus is to update the database. For some unknown reason, it took Kaspersky quite some time, approximately 3 or 5 minutes to download a 20MB database, it could be that the Kaspersky Lab server is located in Russia, thus the slow connection and internet speed. If I am not mistaken, the update process for my Norton, AVG and Avira was pretty quick when it was 100MB.

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The user interface is pretty simple. You’ll most likely not see this again due to the fact that antivirus are designed to perform silently behind the scene. Compared with Norton Internet Security, Kaspersky offers 2 additional features – Safe Money and Parental Control.

See More ➤  4 Free Corporate Antivirus Firewall Solutions For Small Business Commercial Use

I’ve never seemed to understand the need to store your credit card information on a software, perhaps the best security is by not storing it digitally. Unless you are into a shopping binge buying stuff online every hour, then Safe Money might save you the hassle of repeatedly typing your credit card info.

As for Parental Control, Microsoft Windows both comes with really good parental control software. Again, I do not see a need for such a feature. Perhaps the best parental control is to properly explain to your kids on surfing the internet responsibly.

free download kaspersky

As I have mentioned earlier, Kaspersky Internet Security comes with more features than Norton Internet Security. Depending on your needs, I won’t be needing any of these features. I’ve always believed antivirus should run in the background silently, even when it managed to detect viruses.

As for the application control and network monitor, I believe this is redundant again due to the fact that I just upgraded my PC with 16GB Ram and a Quad Core processor. Based on the Windows’ Task Manager history, I barely exceeded 30% memory usage while playing Dota 2 with Photoshop CS and Mozilla Firefox running in the background.

kaspersky internet security

kaspersky internet security

The quick scan was pretty quick. Again, I don’t see a need for any scanning since everything should be automatic.

Kaspersky Total Security
This is a basic feature is most antivirus and internet security suite. I dare say all, if not most security software are designed from the ground up to consume as little resources as possible while providing ample protection. When I launch a task manager in Windows, more often than not, Kaspersky occupies the 2nd or 3rd spot in terms of memory usage, whereas Norton is way below the list.

As for backing up my files to an external hard disk, the syncing is slower when Kaspersky is active, once disabled, the copying rate went back to normal. I never had this kind of problem with Norton.

All in all, given a choice, I would love to use Norton Internet Security, but the lack of physical boxes and I am forced to purchase an outdated Norton Internet Security is the reason why I choose Kaspersky. After all, at the end of the day, the best security is their own common sense – do not simply visit links via emails, especially emails related to banks, credit cards or PayPal requesting a change of password.

Conclusion – Why Kaspersky Lab’s Internet Security?

In today’s cloud computing environment, the more of your software you have installed onto your customer’s PC, the more data you will be able to collect, therefore the faster you receive the warning, the faster you will be able to come up with a solution and prevention. This is why some antivirus vendors give away their basic antivirus software for free, the agenda is to collect data.

antivirus vendor market share

If an antivirus company doesn’t have enough market share, they might not be able to collect the necessary data. Kaspersky has 3.5% market share, which is reasonable, anything that falls under the ‘other’ category will not be a good antivirus company.

The other reason for purchasing Kaspersky is the price, which is cheaper than Norton Internet Security, and last but not least, the detection rate for Kaspersky engine is pretty good. Not the best to my knowledge, but not the worst either, most important of all, it is better than McA which comes bundled for free with my Dell XPS 8700 PC. McA is possibly the worst antivirus ever, it is slow, sluggish and more often than not, comes with lots of bugs, just Google them and you will know.


  1. Gravatar

    activasion kaspersky

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      do you have a activation key for 2020

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        je voudrais la licence

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        Sirial number

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          Karim Sahin [ Reply ]

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    • Gravatar
      victor [ Reply ]

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      • Gravatar
        Linda Patterson [ Reply ]

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      Kevin Alexander [ Reply ]

      Hello sir.
      Can I have a activation code of kaspersky internet security 2017 1 year key ? please!!!

    • Gravatar
      Gideon [ Reply ]

      kaspersky license key 2018 please, thanks

    • Gravatar

      can you give me kapersky for internet security activasion code,please?

  2. Gravatar

    code d’activation

  3. Gravatar
    ROWSAN SHAIKH [ Reply ]

    i like this software

  4. Gravatar
    bkdocco1 [ Reply ]

    This video below guide you how to active KIS 2016 with Key file( 2 Years License).

    • Gravatar
      sukhen ghorui [ Reply ]

      Activation code for 365 days

      • Gravatar
        Victor [ Reply ]

        Am looking for kasperkey Antivirus key 2020

    • Gravatar
      SARAN S [ Reply ]

      need activation code for 365 days…

      • Gravatar
        Venkatesh [ Reply ]

        Please give me a Android Kia activation code

  5. Gravatar
    MANOJ KUMAR [ Reply ]


    • Gravatar

      Pls can you send me the license key for kasperskey

  6. Gravatar
    Kaspersky Coupon [ Reply ]

    Kaspersky internet security 2016 is a great product with a lot of new features improved but it lacks win10 support, so we will wait…

  7. Gravatar

    Hi Guys,
    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 !
    Thank You

    • Gravatar

      Please send me an activation code Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

      • Gravatar
        Paulo Alves [ Reply ]

        Please send me an activation code Kaspersky Total Security 2020


  8. Gravatar
    Abraham [ Reply ]


    • Gravatar
      ISSOUF ROUAMBA [ Reply ]


  9. Gravatar
    Prince [ Reply ]

    Pliz sent kaspersky2016 key

  10. Gravatar
    sukhen ghorui [ Reply ]

    2016 activation key for 365 days


  11. Gravatar

    Can you send me the activation code for KIS 16?
    Thank You!

  12. Gravatar
    Akshya kumar das [ Reply ]

    plz send me activation code kis 16

  13. Gravatar
    farzad [ Reply ]

    Please send kaspersky2016 key

  14. Gravatar
    Kim-Leigh [ Reply ]

    One year activation code please

  15. Gravatar
    Kim-Leigh [ Reply ]

    2016 Activation code please

  16. Gravatar
    srinivas [ Reply ]

    activation code plseee…….

  17. Gravatar
    Kekerado [ Reply ]

    KIS 2016 serial key pls.
    Thank you!

  18. Gravatar

    2016 activation key for 365 days Please….Thank-you

  19. Gravatar

    2016 activation key for 365 days Please….Thank-you

  20. Gravatar
    satinder [ Reply ]

    Please send me key for KIS 2016

  21. Gravatar
    Dieudonne Mbyayingabo [ Reply ]

    Please can you send me key for KIS 2016. Thank you!

  22. Gravatar

    pls send me the 1 year activation ke to kapersky total security

  23. Gravatar
    siphephelo [ Reply ]

    can i have the code of kaspersky 2016 please

  24. Gravatar

    Please can you send me key for KIS 2016. Thank you!

  25. Gravatar

    Can you send me the activation code for KIS 16?

  26. Gravatar
    george [ Reply ]

    where is kis key?

  27. Gravatar
    deejay aravinda [ Reply ]

    please send me a activation code for 2020

  28. Gravatar

    Please can you send me key for KIS 2016. Thank you!

  29. Gravatar

    Can you send me the activation code for KIS 16?
    Thank You!

  30. Gravatar
    naveen [ Reply ]

    activation code plseee…

  31. Gravatar

    please Kaspersky internet security serial key 2016.

  32. Gravatar

    activation code pls
    thanks !

  33. Gravatar
    abidin [ Reply ]

    Kaspersky Antivirus 2016 key please

  34. Gravatar

    would you pls give to me the activation code
    Thanks alot

  35. Gravatar
    Adrian [ Reply ]

    Please send me a activation code or security serial key for Kaspersky internet 2016

    Thank you very much

  36. Gravatar

    plz send me 2020 365 days activation code or security serial key plz plz

  37. Gravatar

    Please send me key for KIS 2016

  38. Gravatar
    Rolando Ramos [ Reply ]

    Please can you send my the activation code for Karspesky 2016

  39. Gravatar

    Please send me activation code for KIS 2015 or 2016.
    Thank you very much

    • Gravatar
      vivek das [ Reply ]

      Give me activation key plz for one yar

  40. Gravatar
    Sir Mimisco [ Reply ]

    Please i need the code for 1year… Please

  41. Gravatar

    Svp, besoin des codes d’activation de Kaspersky 2016. Merci

  42. Gravatar
    MUVUNYI Isaac [ Reply ]

    Please I need the activation code of 2016

  43. Gravatar
    Knopfab [ Reply ]

    Please can you send me a key for KIS 2016.
    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Gravatar
    Umair Zafar [ Reply ]

    Please send me the activation code KIS2016 for one year.

  45. Gravatar

    Please send me a activation code or security serial key for Kaspersky internet 2016

  46. Gravatar
    Khadi Gaye [ Reply ]

    2016 activation key for 365 days Please….Thank-you

  47. Gravatar
    Ravi ranjan [ Reply ]

    dear friend ,

    please send me the activation key of either norton internet security or kaspersky internet security.

  48. Gravatar

    2016 activation key for 365 days Please

  49. Gravatar

    Pls send me the KIS key plssssssssssssssssssssssssss………… Thanks a lot.

  50. Gravatar

    Please send me a activation code or security serial key for Kaspersky internet 2016

  51. Gravatar
    Vijesh V [ Reply ]

    Pls send 2016 activation key

  52. Gravatar

    kASPERSKY anti virus 2015 key please

  53. Gravatar

    2016 activation key for 365 days

  54. Gravatar

    hi dear
    Please send me Kaspersky Internet Security Activation Code 365 days 2016
    Thank You

  55. Gravatar

    If u Can, please send me License key Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2016 Final

  56. Gravatar
    mohamed [ Reply ]

    can you send me activation code?

  57. Gravatar
    bojoviki [ Reply ]

    pls 365 days key for kaspersky 2016.Thanks in advance

  58. Gravatar

    Hii Send me the activation key….


  59. Gravatar

    could you please provide me code for kaspersky

  60. Gravatar
    adleyzan [ Reply ]

    pls 365 days key for kaspersky 2016.Thanks in advance..tq so much

  61. Gravatar
    JOSEPH [ Reply ]

    kindly send me kaspersky antivirus key 2016.
    looking forward to hear from you.

  62. Gravatar

    please send me a Kaspersky Antivirus 2016 Free License key Serial Number, thank you!

  63. Gravatar

    KIS activ. key please

  64. Gravatar

    please send me a Kaspersky Antivirus 2016 Free License key

  65. Gravatar
    Mr. Raj [ Reply ]

    Please send me a Kaspersky Antivirus 2016 Free Valid Licence Key.

  66. Gravatar
    Adrian [ Reply ]

    Please send me KIS 2016 Activation Code 365 days )
    Thank You!

  67. Gravatar
    Apifis [ Reply ]

    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 ! (360 day)

  68. Gravatar
    Gradivus [ Reply ]

    code d’activation

  69. Gravatar
    diana shurtliff [ Reply ]

    code please

  70. Gravatar

    please send me a Kaspersky Antivirus 2016 Free License key

  71. Gravatar

    code plase

    • Gravatar
      Arshad [ Reply ]

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  72. Gravatar
    krankz [ Reply ]

    activation key for kaspersky antivirus 2016

  73. Gravatar
    nformi [ Reply ]

    please for activation code

  74. Gravatar

    activation key for kaspersky antivirus 2016 pls

  75. Gravatar
    karthik [ Reply ]

    hi guys

    please send activation code for kaspersky 2015

  76. Gravatar
    2957320 [ Reply ]

    activation key for kaspersky antivirus 2016

  77. Gravatar
    Pablo de Swaan [ Reply ]

    Please !! I need the activation code. Really thankyou !!

  78. Gravatar

    2016 activation key for 365 days Please

  79. Gravatar
    anselmo [ Reply ]

    activation key for kaspersky antivirus 2016 pls

  80. Gravatar
    Ajanta [ Reply ]

    Please give me activation key for kaspersky antivirus 2016

  81. Gravatar

    Je demande un code d’activation SVP!

  82. Gravatar

    Please send me a activation code or security serial key for Kaspersky internet 2016

  83. Gravatar
    Ferinando, Tino [ Reply ]

    please give me activation ke for kaspersky antivirus 2016

  84. Gravatar
    datnguyen [ Reply ]

    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Internet Security 2020

  85. Gravatar
    MD ABDUL MALIK [ Reply ]

    2016 activation key for 365 days Please

  86. Gravatar

    Please send me Pure activation code

  87. Gravatar
    Anderson [ Reply ]

    Activation code for Kaspersky Please

  88. Gravatar
    feliapoz [ Reply ]

    Can you send me a code for 2016 please :D i really need this i have 1 threat and i dont have a code xD

  89. Gravatar
    Cherry [ Reply ]

    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Total Security 2016

  90. Gravatar

    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Internet Security 2020

  91. Gravatar

    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Internet Security 2020

  92. Gravatar
    Carmen [ Reply ]

    PLease can you send me an activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security 2016? Thank you!!

  93. Gravatar

    pls send me the 1 year activation ke to kapersky total security

  94. Gravatar
    Dražen Zagorec [ Reply ]

    I try many antivirus software programs but I always come to Kaspersky, so please can you send me an activation code for KIS 16 or any other Kaspersky security software. Thank you !

  95. Gravatar
    Emmanuel [ Reply ]

    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Internet Security 2016


  96. Gravatar

    need activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

  97. Gravatar


  98. Gravatar

    Activationcode for kasperskyantivirus

  99. Gravatar
    cookie22 [ Reply ]

    Any activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 left. Would be nice to get one.

  100. Gravatar
    andrew kaliz [ Reply ]

    kindly assis me with the 365 day kaspersky 16 activation code.thank you

  101. Gravatar
    Nonox Quinzon [ Reply ]

    can i have a kaspersky internet security activation code?

  102. Gravatar
    Glacyer [ Reply ]

    can i have a kaspersky internet security activation code?

  103. Gravatar

    could i have an activation key for Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

  104. Gravatar
    Jimi180 [ Reply ]

    Have someone an activation Code for kis 2016 on android?

  105. Gravatar

    hi, plz send me activation/serial key for kis2015@2020 to me..

  106. Gravatar

    hi, plz send me activation/serial key for kis2015@2016 to me..

  107. Gravatar

    Hello, i have Kaspersky Total Security 16.0.0 installed and with the trial almost finishing!!!!
    Can i have plz one activation code if available ??

    Gratefull :)

  108. Gravatar

    please sent me the activecode

  109. Gravatar
    nasantonio [ Reply ]

    an activation key for Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

  110. Gravatar
    Patteeswaran [ Reply ]

    I missed my keaperskey antivirus 2016 activation code plz send activation code

  111. Gravatar
    nathan [ Reply ]

    kindly assist me with the 365 day kaspersky internet security 16 activation code.thank you

  112. Gravatar
    Mohsen [ Reply ]

    Please Send Activation Code For Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

  113. Gravatar

    Please Send Activation Code For Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

  114. Gravatar
    Ashish [ Reply ]

    please send me a activation code kaspersky security 2016
    please reply fast because 4 day are left of my antivirus

  115. Gravatar
    Yaswanth [ Reply ]

    Please send me activation key for 1year

  116. Gravatar
    Syafiq [ Reply ]

    Please send me activation code for kav 1 year… i love kaspersky

  117. Gravatar
    yaswanth [ Reply ]

    please send me the activation code

  118. Gravatar
    Bijoy Paul [ Reply ]

    Please Send Me Activation Code Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 1 Year Please…Please…Please

  119. Gravatar
    Željko [ Reply ]

    Can you send me activation key, thanks.

  120. Gravatar

    code please

  121. Gravatar

    hi bro,
    can you sent me one year validity kis 2015 activation key

  122. Gravatar


  123. Gravatar

    Please send me activation code for kav 1 year.

  124. Gravatar
    syafiq [ Reply ]

    Please send me activation code for KIS 2016

  125. Gravatar
    ghanshyam kumawat [ Reply ]

    please send me 1 year activation key of kaspersky internet security 2016

  126. Gravatar

    Please send me activation code for KIS 2016 for android

  127. Gravatar
    KaiGra [ Reply ]

    Please send me activation code for kav 1 year.
    Thank you

  128. Gravatar

    Please can you send me activation key for kis 2016,
    Thanks you.

  129. Gravatar
    santanu roy [ Reply ]

    Please send me Kaspersky anti virus 2016 365 days activation key.

  130. Gravatar
    Anuj Singh [ Reply ]

    Requesting for a activation code please

  131. Gravatar

    i need the activation key urgently
    I need your help pleeeease

  132. Gravatar

    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

  133. Gravatar
    dulu moni [ Reply ]

    please send activation key for kaspersky internet security 2016

  134. Gravatar

    Please send me activation code for KIS 2016

  135. Gravatar

    please email me activation code for kaspersky internet security 2016

  136. Gravatar
    Arup Kumar Parai [ Reply ]

    please email me activation code for kaspersky internet security 2016

  137. Gravatar
    chandrahas chandrakar [ Reply ]

    please email me activation code for kaspersky internet security 2016

  138. Gravatar
    alok raj [ Reply ]

    it needs urgently

  139. Gravatar

    please email me activation code for kaspersky internet security 2016

    • Gravatar
      vivek das [ Reply ]

      Give me activation key

    • Gravatar
      BASTAN M.NGAP [ Reply ]


  140. Gravatar

    please send me the activation code Kaspersky 2016 need it really urgently

  141. Gravatar

    please send me the activation code for Kaspersky internet security 2016 I need it really quickly

  142. Gravatar
    mardochee [ Reply ]

    can you give me the code of activation of kaspersky 2016

  143. Gravatar
    Adytza. [ Reply ]

    Please send me activation code for KIS 2016 for 365 days. Thank you !

  144. Gravatar
    sofiane tchoulak [ Reply ]

    2016 activation key for 365 days Please….Thank-you

  145. Gravatar
    leon hunt [ Reply ]

    please send 2016 activation key for 365 days thanks

  146. Gravatar
    latheef [ Reply ]

    plz send key

  147. Gravatar
    latheef [ Reply ]

    please send me the activation code Kaspersky 2016

    • Gravatar
      VIKASKUMAR [ Reply ]


  148. Gravatar

    Can you send me the activation code for Kaspersky AV 2016? Thank You!

  149. Gravatar
    gravedigger [ Reply ]

    plz ! year activation code for kaspersky 2016 internet security not published

  150. Gravatar
    Shailendra [ Reply ]

    Can You Send Me The Activation Code for Kaspersky 2016

  151. Gravatar
    kam aser bertrand [ Reply ]

    Please send me activation code for KIS 2016 for 365 days. Thank you !

  152. Gravatar
    Steve Wojcicki [ Reply ]

    Please send me an activation code for 2020 KIS for iMac. My current subscription is expiring.

    • Gravatar
      Kelvyn [ Reply ]

      Kindly send me the keys for the following Kaspersky 2020 and ielts speaking assistant

  153. Gravatar
    mohoba [ Reply ]

    please send me the activation code for Kaspersky Total Security
    Thank You!

  154. Gravatar

    Please send me an activation code KIS 2020. THX

  155. Gravatar

    Would you be kind enough to have me a 365 days working key for Kaspersky Internet Security 2020, I shall be Highly obliged.

  156. Gravatar
    Faisal [ Reply ]

    Can you send me the activation code for KAV 16?
    Thank You!

  157. Gravatar
    Jahangir Alam [ Reply ]

    Activation Code pls

  158. Gravatar
    Starlet [ Reply ]

    Would love to give it a try myself? Hoping to get that activation code as well??
    Thank for posting the article! :-)
    Never did I ever like Norton.. Mater of fact could not stand it. Every system I have owned has had it pre-installed!!
    The first task on all was to Un-install it .. !! McAfee when it first came out was a very good security software. One of my Favorites.. After time it sucked just as bad as Norton.. :-X Looking forward to using Kasperky a change is always good..!!

  159. Gravatar

    Hi, can I have a KIS2016 key?

  160. Gravatar
    mahesh [ Reply ]

    Please send me an activation code Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 serial Key

  161. Gravatar

    I love Kaspersky, but do not like the price, I love your very detailed review, explained more then others, Please I would like the 365 day activation code.

  162. Gravatar
    Eva Christian Malayto [ Reply ]

    i just like kaspersky

  163. Gravatar

    i love kaspersky soo much
    can i have kav 2016 activation for 1 year please

  164. Gravatar

    Hi, can I have a KIS2016 key?

  165. Gravatar
    Aguinaldo Sousa [ Reply ]

    Can u send me a activation code Kaspersky Internet Security 2016…4 one year?

  166. Gravatar
    Ang Ching Ching [ Reply ]

    Can u send me a activation code Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 for one year?

  167. Gravatar
    Nicole [ Reply ]

    please send me the activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security
    Thank You!

  168. Gravatar
    Mehmet ÖĞÜT [ Reply ]

    Please send me an activation code Kaspersky Internet Security 2020 serial Key

  169. Gravatar
    Mehran [ Reply ]

    Please give me an activation code..

  170. Gravatar
    shubham [ Reply ]

    kASPERSKY anti virus 2016 key please

  171. Gravatar
    shubham [ Reply ]

    Please send me an activation code kaspersky antivirus 2016 16.0.1 activation key

  172. Gravatar
    ashwan [ Reply ]

    HI can anyone send me an activation code please

  173. Gravatar
    Lokesh Kumar [ Reply ]


  174. Gravatar

    pls give me the activation code of kts 2016
    thanksbin advance

  175. Gravatar
    kassa baghdouche abdellah [ Reply ]

    jedemande code dactivation kaspersky 2016-2017

  176. Gravatar

    please send me the activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security
    Thank You!

  177. Gravatar
    Rodrigo [ Reply ]

    Can you send me KAV serial 2016 for Mac?

  178. Gravatar

    Please send activation code for 1 year to this mail

  179. Gravatar
    Anas Khan [ Reply ]

    Please send me an activation code Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

  180. Gravatar
    Dheeraj reddy [ Reply ]

    one year activtion key plzz

  181. Gravatar
    Dana Raileanu [ Reply ]

    Activation key please Android

  182. Gravatar


  183. Gravatar
    Michael [ Reply ]

    may I have activation key 365 please. Thanks so much

  184. Gravatar
    jetendra chaudhary [ Reply ]

    please if u have serial number to activate kaspersky 2020 then plz plz n plz send me valid for more than 2 years[from Nepal]

  185. Gravatar
    kirubaharan [ Reply ]

    send me activation key

  186. Gravatar

    can you send me KIS total security key please

  187. Gravatar
    Rashid khan [ Reply ]

    Can you send me any body the activation code for KIS 16? I’ll be the very thankful and always praying for him or her…..plz plz

  188. Gravatar
    SATHEESH [ Reply ]

    please send kaspersky internet security activation code for 1 year.Thanks in advance

  189. Gravatar

    Can you send me any body the activation code for KIS 17?

  190. Gravatar

    please send me kaspersky total security(kts17.0.0.611en-in_full) activation code
    thank you

  191. Gravatar
    rengan [ Reply ]

    need activation keys for kaspersky internet security 2017

  192. Gravatar


    Can you send me a one year key for KIS 2017?

    Best regards and respect for your work.

  193. Gravatar
    Andrwu [ Reply ]

    Please send me kaspersky total security(kts17.0.0.611en-in_full) activation code
    Thank You!!!

  194. Gravatar
    Kannan K [ Reply ]

    Please send me kaspersky internet security(kts17.0.0.611en-in_full) activation code
    Thank You!!!

  195. Gravatar

    Please send me kaspersky internet security(kts17.0.0.611en-in_full) activation code
    Thank You!!!

  196. Gravatar
    kiran panchal [ Reply ]

    Hello sir.
    do u have activation code of kespersky total security 2017 1 year key ?

  197. Gravatar

    Please can i have activation key 2017 1 year plz

  198. Gravatar
    Firman [ Reply ]

    Please send me kaspersky internet security activation code, sir….

  199. Gravatar
    pushkal [ Reply ]

    please send me the activation code for Kaspersky internet security 2020 I need it really quickly

  200. Gravatar
    Ganesh [ Reply ]

    Please send me activation code for kaspersky internet security for android

  201. Gravatar

    Hello sir.
    Can I have a activation code of kaspersky internet security 2017 1 year key ? please!!!

  202. Gravatar
    Rio Edogawa [ Reply ]

    Can you send me the activation code for KIS 16? I’ll be the very thankful and always praying for you…..plz plz!!! Thank You!!!

  203. Gravatar
    Michael J. [ Reply ]

    Please help me to get an activation code for KIS-2017 for one year, many thanks for you!

  204. Gravatar

    need activation code pls.

  205. Gravatar
    durga babu [ Reply ]

    serial number plz

  206. Gravatar
    Mykola [ Reply ]

    Please can you send me key for KIS 2017. Thank you!

  207. Gravatar
    chaminda kumara rathnayake [ Reply ]

    Please can you send me key for KIS 2017. Thank you!

  208. Gravatar
    Oswald Silva [ Reply ]

    Can you send me the activation code for KIS 16? I’ll be the very thankful…. plz plz!!! Thank You!!!

  209. Gravatar
    Amy Lynn [ Reply ]

    please send me Mac key for the version 16. thanks

  210. Gravatar
    mohi8tech [ Reply ]

    Thank You

  211. Gravatar
    Basudev Sharma [ Reply ]

    Could you please give me Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) activation code? My KIS license has expired & it need to renew urgently.

  212. Gravatar

    cant find my card. I need an activation code for 2020

  213. Gravatar
    mahendrasahani [ Reply ]


  214. Gravatar

    Hello could you send me 1 year activation code thank you

  215. Gravatar
    Khairul [ Reply ]

    Please I need KAV 2018 activation code. Thx

  216. Gravatar
    vijay kumar [ Reply ]

    Please I need KAV 2018 activation code. Thx

  217. Gravatar
    Jacinta [ Reply ]

    Please give me KIS 2017 activation code 1year.

  218. Gravatar

    Please give me KIS 2017 activation code 1year.

  219. Gravatar

    Can you send me a working code for Kaspersky Internet Security for Android for 1 year ? Thank you!

  220. Gravatar

    pls sent activation code for kasperky 2017.2018

  221. Gravatar

    Please send me Kaspersky internet security activation key 2018
    Thank You very much

  222. Gravatar

    Please Send Activation Key For Kaspersky Total Security 2018

  223. Gravatar

    can u give me for internet security code?please

  224. Gravatar
    Mariusz [ Reply ]

    Can I get code for internet security please???? Thanks and Greets

  225. Gravatar
    Andrius [ Reply ]

    Can I get code for internet security 2018 please?

  226. Gravatar

    Please can you send me key for Kaspersky Total Security 2018
    Thank you

  227. Gravatar
    Behrooz [ Reply ]

    Please send me one year working an activation code for android kaspersky antivirus .

  228. Gravatar
    Behrooz [ Reply ]

    Please send me one year working an activation code for android kaspersky antivirus .
    Thank you

  229. Gravatar
    binelas [ Reply ]

    activation code plseee…….

  230. Gravatar
    Miguel Trejo [ Reply ]

    Can you send me a activatiob code for Kaspersky Internet Security 2018, please ?



  231. Gravatar

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2018 activation code please,

    • Gravatar
      Aswathi [ Reply ]

      Please send me Kaspersky Internet Security 2020 activation code.

  232. Gravatar

    hi…Can you send me a working code for Kaspersky Internet Security for Android for 1 year or more ? please ….we are in iran and i think we are your friends

  233. Gravatar
    Debarshi Guin [ Reply ]

    Can I pls send me a free premium activation code for Kaspersky antivirus that can be used to activate the premium features in android.
    Thank you,
    Debarshi Guin

  234. Gravatar
    wassim [ Reply ]

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2018 activation code please,

  235. Gravatar

    KIS 2018 activation code please and thank you!

  236. Gravatar
    K M RAHIM [ Reply ]

    Plz Serial Code

  237. Gravatar
    SUBER ROY [ Reply ]

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2018 free One Year Activation Code

  238. Gravatar
    ricky flippin [ Reply ]

    I have Kaspersky for a year the whole works I want it back on ty

  239. Gravatar
    David Luiz [ Reply ]

    Kaspersky 7 is the best antivirus ever. The performance is brilliant. The security it provides is just great. It scans the preferred files accurately and removes the corrupted files and recover the data too. You can check more at K7 Antivirus Customer Support.

  240. Gravatar
    Paulo Rodrigues [ Reply ]

    Hi! Can I have the 2018 Activation code please? Thanks!

  241. Gravatar
    Việt Hùng [ Reply ]

    Do you share the activation code?

  242. Gravatar
    s.parameswaran [ Reply ]

    Please i need the code for 1year… Please

  243. Gravatar

    Can you send me KIS 2018 1 year activation code please

  244. Gravatar
    Cosmostrak [ Reply ]

    Kaspersky Total Security 2018 için Aktivasyon Anahtarı

  245. Gravatar

    hi can you pleas send me a 1 year activation code kaspersky internet security. Thanks

  246. Gravatar

    please send me kis lic file

  247. Gravatar
    Abdoul [ Reply ]

    Hi need activation key for kaspersky endpoint 130 user 365 Days

  248. Gravatar
    Sonia Smith [ Reply ]

    Would you be kind enough to have me 365 days activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security 2019 , I shall be highly obliged.

  249. Gravatar

    Please email me activation code for kaspersky anti virus (d)

  250. Gravatar
    LeBourgeois [ Reply ]

    Morning, please send me the Kaspersky Internet Security 2019 activation code for one year.

  251. Gravatar
    Freddy [ Reply ]

    Código de activación de Kaspersky Total 2018 por favor,

  252. Gravatar

    May i have another key KTS new update please!!

  253. Gravatar

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2020 One Year Activation Code Please….Thank-you

  254. Gravatar

    Hello. Could I request you one year activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security 2019?
    Thank you.

  255. Gravatar

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2019 One Year Activation Code Please….Thank-you

  256. Gravatar

    Please send me key for Kaspersky Internet Security 2020

  257. Gravatar
    kavindu lakmina [ Reply ]

    ACTIVATION key please!internet security

  258. Gravatar

    i very need key kaspersky internet 2020 . PLZ

  259. Gravatar

    do you have activation key for kaspersky total security 2020??

  260. Gravatar
    Victor [ Reply ]

    Hi, I need a key for kaspersky internet security 2019 please, I beg

  261. Gravatar
    yunsugar [ Reply ]

    Please send me key for Kaspersky Internet Security 2020

  262. Gravatar
    Lee Thompson [ Reply ]

    Great work
    Kindly send me an activation code for KIS 2020
    Thank You

  263. Gravatar

    Send me the activation for KIS 2020 … thanks

  264. Gravatar
    napple [ Reply ]

    Send me the activation for KIS 2020

  265. Gravatar

    Kindly send me an activation code for KTS 2020
    Thank You

  266. Gravatar
    stuart chittock [ Reply ]

    can i have activation key for KIS 2020 please thank you

  267. Gravatar

    Hi, please send me an activation key for KAV 2020 & KIS 2020. Thank you and stay safe!

  268. Gravatar

    Please send key for Kaspersky antivirus 2020.

  269. Gravatar
    asadullah [ Reply ]

    Please send key for Kaspersky antivirus 2020.

  270. Gravatar
    kavishka [ Reply ]

    kaspersky internet security 2020 activation key

  271. Gravatar

    Kindly send me an activation code for KTS 2020
    Thank You

  272. Gravatar
    nazrul islam [ Reply ]

    need kaspersky internet security license key/activation key 2021

  273. Gravatar
    MANJUNATH [ Reply ]

    Kindly send me activation code for KTS 2020

  274. Gravatar

    Kindly send me activation code for KTS 2020

  275. Gravatar

    Can you sent me the activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security 2023 to my email. Appreciate for the help. Thanks

  276. Gravatar

    I am from India. I need one activation key for Kaspersky Internet security (365 days)

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