40 Funny Sarcastic Come Back Quotes For Your Facebook Friends And Enemies

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Want to send a sarcastic message and status to your friends, or ex-friends (now enemies)? A picture is worth a thousand words and true enough, nothing says better than a very good image posted on your facebook. Don’t worry about hurting their feelings, some people do not deserve the respect they believe they are entitled to.

Continue ➤ 71 Sarcastic & Funny Quotes For Unfriending Facebook Friends And Enemies

Stupid is stupid, when you ignore them, it is not anti-social, it is anti-stupid. Without further ado, here are 40 Facebook quotes for your enemies, also know as the stupid people you wished you never knew. Some of the image illustrated below are copyrighted by Asia and Landysh Akhmetzyanova Here are 40 images to send hidden messages on Social Media:

Sleep is for people without access to the Internet...
Sleep is for people without access to the Internet…
Image illustrated and copyrighted by Asia and Landysh Akhmetzyanova

If stupid people did not exist, the internet would be boring.
If stupid people did not exist, the internet would be boring.

Dear Lord, please grant me the ability to punch people over the internet.
Dear Lord, please grant me the ability to punch people over the internet.

If I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep in the last 2 hours, I could have been using the Internet!
If I knew I wasn’t going to fall asleep in the last 2 hours, I could have been using the Internet!

I'm so athletic. I surf... the Internet
I’m so athletic. I surf… the Internet

Nothing is worse than making someone watch a video you found hilarious and having them sit there in a stony agonizing silence.
Nothing is worse than making someone watch a video you found hilarious and having them sit there in a stony agonizing silence.

When you hear a recording of your voice and you wonder how you have any friends.
When you hear a recording of your voice and you wonder how you have any friends.

Why are you all dressed up? Where are you going? To the bathroom. I need a new profile picture.
Why are you all dressed up? Where are you going? To the bathroom. I need a new profile picture.

See More ➤  50 Quotes On Apologizing, Forgive And Forget After An Argument

Imagine if trees gave off wifi signals we'd be planting a lot of them! And we'd probably save the planet too. Too bad they only produce oxygen they breathe.
Imagine if trees gave off wifi signals we’d be planting a lot of them! And we’d probably save the planet too. Too bad they only produce oxygen they breathe.

Let me see your phone. Delete Delete Delete. Here you go.
Let me see your phone. Delete Delete Delete. Here you go.

Why fight when there is Wifi?
Why fight when there is Wifi?

I've seen your Facebook statuses. You're getting a dictionary for Christmas.
I’ve seen your Facebook statuses. You’re getting a dictionary for Christmas.

Do you ever go on YouTube thinking you'll just be on to watch a quick music video, then 5 hours later you find yourself watching a tutorial on how to talk to a giraffe?
Do you ever go on YouTube thinking you’ll just be on to watch a quick music video, then 5 hours later you find yourself watching a tutorial on how to talk to a giraffe?

Dance like no one is watching... Because everyone is on their phone, so no one is watching.
Dance like no one is watching… Because everyone is on their phone, so no one is watching.

Basic Human Needs
Basic Human Needs

It keeps me from looking at my phone every two seconds.
It keeps me from looking at my phone every two seconds.

No cell phone No Facebook No computer access No WiFi for 3 months and you get 3 million dollars. Could you do this?
No cell phone No Facebook No computer access No WiFi for 3 months and you get 3 million dollars. Could you do this?

Never get into an argument with someone who types faster than you.
Never get into an argument with someone who types faster than you.

Thought of the day... How long after walking into someone's house is it acceptable to ask for their WiFi password?
Thought of the day… How long after walking into someone’s house is it acceptable to ask for their WiFi password?

Oh, so you wanna argue? BRING IT. I got my CAPS LOCK ON.
Oh, so you wanna argue? BRING IT. I got my CAPS LOCK ON.

I'm NOT INSULTING YOU. I'm describing you.
I’m NOT INSULTING YOU. I’m describing you.

Facebook is like a fridge, you know there's nothing there but you check it every 5 minutes.
Facebook is like a fridge, you know there’s nothing there but you check it every 5 minutes.

Relationship last longer when Facebook doesn't know about them.
Relationship last longer when Facebook doesn’t know about them.

The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on Facebook.
The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on Facebook.

Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in a cafeteria at a mental hospital.
Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in a cafeteria at a mental hospital.

See More ➤  12 Nelson Mandela Quotes On Freedom, Perseverance, And Racism

face your problems, don't facebook them.
face your problems, don’t facebook them.

Facebook is the only place where it's acceptable to talk to a wall.
Facebook is the only place where it’s acceptable to talk to a wall.

Quitting Facebook is the new, adult version of running away from home. They all know you're doing it for attention and they all know that you'll be back.
Quitting Facebook is the new, adult version of running away from home. They all know you’re doing it for attention and they all know that you’ll be back.

Wonders why people can never say it to your face, but can always post it on Facebook!
Wonders why people can never say it to your face, but can always post it on Facebook!

Don't Facebook your problem, don't face them.
Don’t Facebook your problem, don’t face them.

Don’t facebook your problems. Face Them. Facebook is like a fridge. You keep checking it, but there's nothing good.
Facebook is like a fridge. You keep checking it, but there’s nothing good.

Some people need to realize that Facebook is a social network, not a diary.
Some people need to realize that Facebook is a social network, not a diary.

Oh, you're popular on Facebook? That's cool. I mean, these days it's easy to have 1500 friends that you've never met before.
Oh, you’re popular on Facebook? That’s cool. I mean, these days it’s easy to have 1500 friends that you’ve never met before.

May you life someday be as awesome as you pretend it is on Facebook.
May you life someday be as awesome as you pretend it is on Facebook.

I'm not Anti-Social, I'm Anti-Idiot. Keep Away.
I’m not Anti-Social, I’m Anti-Idiot. Keep Away.

The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains is great news for stupid people.
The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains is great news for stupid people.

We have enough gun control. What they need is idiot control.
We have enough gun control. What they need is idiot control.

You're so dumb, you failed a blood test!
You’re so dumb, you failed a blood test!


  1. Gravatar
    Molly English [ Reply ]

    The truth is always hidden somewhere in what we say. Even if disquised by humor. Sort of like when you’re drunk.

  2. Gravatar
    Joshua [ Reply ]

    Wow… I’m In love with dis site…. could u try and post more memes ??

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