15 Inspiring Bill Gates Quotes on Success and Life

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Born William Henry Gates, better known as Bill Gates. Just in case you are wondering, he holds only 4.5% of Microsoft, and according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, most of Gates’s assets are held in Cascade Investment LLC, an entity through which he owns stakes in numerous businesses, including Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts and Corbis Corp.

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This means 25% of his wealth is from Microsoft, while the remaining 75% consist of hotels, resorts, medical related stuff and more. If they judge a person’s wealth according to what he is holding onto, he is more of a hotelier than a software guru.

Love him hate him, undeniably as of May 16, 2013, Bill Gates had donated US$28 billion to the foundation, he was able to convince many billionaires to donate 90% of their wealth in the event of their death, this includes Warren Buffett [ 6 Excellent Quotes By Warren Buffet On Investment And Wealth Management ]. Based on his current wealth at US$78 billion, this meant he gave away almost half of his wealth. Anyway, here are 15 of Bill Gates’ awesome and inspiring quotes. These wallpapers are 1920 x 1080 resolution, it fits in almost every desktop, ipad and tablets.

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I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft. Quote by Bill Gates
I failed in some subjects in the exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.

I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. Quote by Bill Gates
I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.

As they look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. Quote by Bill Gates
As they look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.

If you are born poor its not your mistake, But if you die poor its your mistake. Quote by Bill Gates
If you are born poor its not your mistake, But if you die poor its your mistake.

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. Quote by Bill Gates
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Quote by Bill Gates
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

If you think your teacher is tough, wait 'til you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure. Quote by Bill Gates
If you think your teacher is tough, wait ’til you get a boss. He doesn’t have tenure.

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one. Quote by Bill Gates
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.

Life is not fair, get used to it. Quote by Bill Gates
Life is not fair, get used to it.

If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. Quote by Bill Gates
If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good.

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Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world...if you do so, you are insulting yourself. Quote by Bill Gates
Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself.

It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. Quote by Bill Gates
It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.

I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars, there's a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that. 'But once you get much beyond that, I have to tell you, it's the same hamburger. Quote by Bill Gates
I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars, there’s a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that. ‘But once you get much beyond that, I have to tell you, it’s the same hamburger.

Capitalism has worked very well. Anyone who wants to move to North Korea is welcome. Quote by Bill Gates
Capitalism has worked very well. Anyone who wants to move to North Korea is welcome.

If your culture doesn't like geeks, you are in real trouble. Quote by Bill Gates
If your culture doesn’t like geeks, you are in real trouble.

The Real Bill Gates (Documentary) Biography

Bill Gates Biography. Documentary on the legendary Bill Gates – founder of Microsoft, one of the most powerful and richest companies in the world.


  1. Gravatar
    sourav paramanik [ Reply ]

    I am big fan of sir bill gates.. I follow his quotes

    • Gravatar
      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      we all are. he is an amazing guy doing great work for the world.

  2. Gravatar

    you best

  3. Gravatar
    shivprasad [ Reply ]

    ………….now he is the richest man in the world, but if …………m k gandhi of india WANTS MEANS HE could be richest man of world
    but in indians we are giving the preference for truth, honesty, non greedness etc
    ………..in future people will forget the name of bill gates……….but they will not forget the name of m k gandhi

    • Gravatar
      Gurneet Singh [ Reply ]

      Bhai apni bhavnao ko kabu mein rakho…hehe.
      And if you are telling about Mahatma Gandhi in the comment section, where a majority of the guys are mostly Americans then you must write in the English language.

    • Gravatar

      This is business leave your personal s at the door

    • Gravatar
      Surieyan [ Reply ]

      Be like Bill in profession and Gandhi- like at home.

    • Gravatar
      Surieyan [ Reply ]

      Bill Gates may be forgotten but microsoft lives forever. Try not under evaluate anyone else. Look at your face in the mirror. Ask yourself, what you have done?

    • Gravatar
      Richard [ Reply ]

      It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.

    • Gravatar

      Yes you right

  4. Gravatar
    lucretus kasata [ Reply ]

    I’ll be wealthier than bill gates.His qoutes inspire me but i’ll play by my own rules and built an empire.

  5. Gravatar

    your name really biggg gates

  6. Gravatar
    Leslie [ Reply ]

    Leaders will be those that empower others. It seems that is exactly what he has done. What he built with Microsoft has empowered millions around the world and will continue for a very, very long time. I can see that working even on the smallest level.

  7. Gravatar
    Abu Bakar [ Reply ]

    I would create a lot of changes in this world due to my abilities but it would take some time to prove myself as precious diamond.

    • Gravatar

      Abu bakkar you are a beggar. Bloody bastard

  8. Gravatar
    Stephen Ifekoya [ Reply ]

    Bill Gates is a rare gem! He is one out of a million.

  9. Gravatar

    if u compare yourself with others then u r insulting yourself

    • Gravatar
      London [ Reply ]

      So don’t compare there’s an idea

  10. Gravatar
    manas ranjan sahoo [ Reply ]

    Always I like the people who are in the top position. I Iike Bill Gates & his company as both are in the top position in the world.Bill Gates you are my favourite.

    • Gravatar
      Balveer kunar [ Reply ]

      I like also bill gates.and I like bill gates thaught.because of bill gates thaught all people can learn about life own future.I alsi see bill gates thought and learn of bill gates thaught ……

  11. Gravatar
    kumar palai [ Reply ]

    we should not see the success of gates … bt we have to think …what was the prepairtion behind the success……,

  12. Gravatar
    vijay yadav [ Reply ]

    thanx…alot……i follow this quotes

    • Gravatar
      Florence [ Reply ]

      I’m inspired with these
      quotes thank you Bill Gates

  13. Gravatar
    lakshmi srikanth [ Reply ]

    Sir iam bigfan of your quotes and you ireally follow your quotes

  14. Gravatar
    Shubh prajapati [ Reply ]

    Sir I’m biggest fan of U . U’re verry wonderfull man on earth

  15. Gravatar
    prashant.j [ Reply ]

    Super….. if we follow Bill gates quotes defnetely get success

  16. Gravatar
    Abhilash sp [ Reply ]

    U r great person in the world

  17. Gravatar
    Anil Kumar Damor [ Reply ]

    Hi like ur quotes it’s really inspire by it

  18. Gravatar
    Rushikesh shrinath [ Reply ]

    I want to make another Bill Gates.

    • Gravatar
      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      Good luck, make another Bill with your partner?

    • Gravatar
      sarel safro [ Reply ]

      You can never be successful unless u invest nd create an empire

  19. Gravatar
    kunwar kuldeep singh [ Reply ]

    U r mahh superhero & idol sir

  20. Gravatar
    Shivam s nagarkar [ Reply ]


  21. Gravatar
    Bishal shaw [ Reply ]

    Sir i want to meet you by built an engineer

  22. Gravatar
    Hasan bell [ Reply ]

    A rollmodel indeed.

  23. Gravatar
    Rabson chulu [ Reply ]

    His not different from the other wealth freaks,
    “As they say, behind every great fortune is a great crime” and that folks is gates confidential top secret.

  24. Gravatar
    Joshi Bhavya [ Reply ]

    Great and Inspiring Quotes About Bill Gates but My Favourite is “Don’t Compare yourself with Anyone in this world, If You Do so, You are Insulting Yourself.”…So,True…

  25. Gravatar
    Darshan patel [ Reply ]

    Best of world,
    At the top of world

  26. Gravatar
    haguminema boris [ Reply ]

    you inspire me ,you are one in millions in the world

  27. Gravatar
    percival [ Reply ]

    waal,ill have tu qol u a gud teacher

  28. Gravatar

    i want to be a great person like you not rich person but good inspirer of life

  29. Gravatar
    Badal Thakur [ Reply ]

    U r inspiration for all people’s… we make proud of u sir.. biil gates

    • Gravatar

      Just simple now you starting searching for success and successful people, remember one thing when people search you in the Google on that day you become a successful.not this what is success, successful people, inspiration success f****them

  30. Gravatar

    U are a great person sir

  31. Gravatar
    Rajiv tiwari [ Reply ]

    Sry bil gats that was time when student focused onely one sub. And they were top went this time

  32. Gravatar
    Harjot Singh Rattan [ Reply ]

    Sir, please keep on giving us such adorable quotes….they act as a fuel to boost us towards our aims..thanks a lot Mr.Gates

  33. Gravatar
    Anish singh [ Reply ]

    U are absoulty great person i salute u sirji

  34. Gravatar
    Athar hamid bhat [ Reply ]

    I am a big fan of Sir bilgates
    I trust I follow u

  35. Gravatar
    MS PRAVEEN [ Reply ]

    Its fantastic,quotes will helpfull to run the day positively

  36. Gravatar
    Shalini Arora [ Reply ]

    “Leaders Are Made But, King’s Are born”

  37. Gravatar
    choudhary shubham [ Reply ]

    Bill gates is a most intelligent person in the world and i m very big fan of u

  38. Gravatar
    hariharan.T [ Reply ]

    its very useful to me and encourage me to become a another bill gates

  39. Gravatar
    hariharan.T [ Reply ]

    Bill Gates is my God thank you God

  40. Gravatar
    Rajender [ Reply ]

    Billgates is the richest man only Because of Apple’s late ceo steve jobs(my idol)

  41. Gravatar
    Nicholas k.Amoah [ Reply ]

    I really like your quote ,may God bless you and your associate

  42. Gravatar

    Im a big n best fan of bill gates.

  43. Gravatar
    Narendra Kumar Ratnakar [ Reply ]

    Bill gates is the richest man on the earth as I thinnk in future the richest people would be known well because the days are changing people are running behind modern days it is really true that the great people are known well and would be known in future so no one can say that wealth is only drop of ocean bill gates has one of the best quotes

  44. Gravatar
    Narendra Kumar Ratnakar [ Reply ]

    I am one of the biggest fan of Bill Gates

  45. Gravatar
    Samuel Douglas [ Reply ]

    I am so inspired by the gate’s quotes…..and I believe one day I will be like him….it’s just a matter of time and hard work coz I believe he wasn’t also born in a well of family….. big up gates

  46. Gravatar
    Darshan [ Reply ]

    I m big fan oh sr bill gates. He is my life time inspiration.

  47. Gravatar

    I am a big fan of bill gates and he also inspires me

  48. Gravatar
    aquleema khan [ Reply ]

    I am a big fan of bill gates & he inspires me…

  49. Gravatar
    Selim ibrahim [ Reply ]

    The words are like stream. Respect from my heart <3

  50. Gravatar
    kishan sahni [ Reply ]

    I am a big fan of bill gates & he inspires me

  51. Gravatar
    Funke Janet Ogunlade [ Reply ]

    Bill Gates is a great thinker, and optimist. I acknowledge his depth of insight. I pray to God for this kind of revelation that would solve the world’s greatest problem.

  52. Gravatar
    vishal singh raajput [ Reply ]

    Sir, ur really a great person.. And hard worker.. But mostly I liked ur quote which inspired me a lot i.e “if u born poor its not ur mistake But if u die poor its ur mistake”.
    THNQ sir

  53. Gravatar
    Zohaib Khan [ Reply ]

    i am not fan , But i want to compete Mr.Bill gates …..

  54. Gravatar
    ezra lada [ Reply ]

    Amazing guy
    he done the great thing’s to the world.
    all the Best.

  55. Gravatar
    Akash Sahoo [ Reply ]

    I really inspired by the thoughts of sir bill gate

  56. Gravatar
    Nirnay [ Reply ]

    Actually I want to be just like bill gates he is a great software developer and he is also a richest man of this world he never give up in his life that is why I like most this type of person.

  57. Gravatar
    abhi devgirikar [ Reply ]

    I wants to be rich but without following anyone even Mr.Bill Gates.

  58. Gravatar
    Pranjal [ Reply ]

    Sir I like you

  59. Gravatar
    sahil chaudhari [ Reply ]

    Yes sir,
    You are only one
    In the world..

  60. Gravatar
    Francis Mensah [ Reply ]

    i really love what u do and how u change peoples life and also make an impart GOD richly bless u

  61. Gravatar

    You are great person

  62. Gravatar
    Andrew Govedi [ Reply ]

    Billy Gates quotes and inspirational​ words are more educative,am his fan and I like them.

  63. Gravatar

    you are the good teacher to me i will follow your quotes and i become as you

  64. Gravatar

    I am a big fan of bill gates and he also inspires me…

  65. Gravatar

    My good people do you know that the only different between you and Bill Gate is creativity, just set a goal today and meditate on it in every seconds, don’t be afraid of risks involved and be rest assured of success and greatness.

  66. Gravatar
    Md Nekbar Ali [ Reply ]

    Sir i want to know, how was your student?
    And Also…fells ur present life…
    I m so happy to read ur quotes that gives me encourage…
    Thank you sir….

  67. Gravatar
    shashank kumar [ Reply ]

    Greatest men in the world☺☺⛧

  68. Gravatar

    all these ‘I’m your biggest fan in the world’ is just a waste of time. The thing is when you become outstandingly rich people will see you as God on earth and worship you. Try to make your own wealth and be the ‘God’ of yourself

  69. Gravatar
    Manas Ranjan Barik [ Reply ]

    Bill Gates…….
    Hard work, willpower n dedication. Mr…….

  70. Gravatar
    Raj Paswan [ Reply ]

    I get success or not but I try to get success till whenever I alive

  71. Gravatar

    you are Great man

  72. Gravatar
    sajid raihan [ Reply ]

    you are the best hero in the world

  73. Gravatar
    Okiru Justine [ Reply ]

    You’re really very inspiring and humanitarian. ‘’Your kindheartedness is the only language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see’’.

  74. Gravatar
    Gum vince [ Reply ]

    Imaine how the world would be without computers’ intelligence

  75. Gravatar

    Bill Gates has noted prevention is better than cure yet insists on more and more vaccines. Some come with side effects and the high number of shots kids now get in some countries is causing auto immune disease to rise. If Bill would renew focus on supplying decent toilets globally (including models that work without plumbing) he would save much disease – also dignity, especially for old people and pregnant women who can’t squat.

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