100 Beautiful Chinese Japanese Kanji Tattoo Symbols & Designs

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Vintage Japanese Kanji Tattoo Ideas

Chinese Tattoos vs Japanese Kanji Tattoos

The Japanese Kanji are essentially Chinese words, the ancient Japanese borrowed and adapted it into their Nippon-Go language, thus the words and meaning are the same, only the pronunciation is different.

The ‘worm’ like Japanese words are originally Japanese, but not the Kanji words. As for the Koreans, they’ve totally abandoned the Chinese words and reinvented their own words and language system. The Korean words can be easily identified by their strong use of ‘box’ symbols, lots of boxes. Nippon-Go is more worm-like.

Continue ➤ 9 Most Beautiful Chinese And Japanese Kanji Words

korean vs chinese japanese word kanji

Chinese Zodiac

There are 12 Zodiacs in the Chinese calendar, same goes with the Japanese. The only difference is instead of a goat, the Japanese substitute it with a sheep. Since the Chinese calendar uses a different system compared to the Georgian calendar, you will have to look up birth-date on Wikipedia (Chinese Calendar) for your Chinese Zodiac. As usual, always double check before you ink the tattoo.

chinese calendar zodiac tattoo

Our 4 Favorite Tattoos

Below are 4 of their favorite Chinese Tattoos, they are dragon, patience, book and peace. The Dragon and Patience are all time favorites, the ‘Patience’ word is more meaningful in the sense that it is a combo of 2 Chinese words, Knife (top) and heart (down). When combined, it creates a new word and meaning – Without patience, the knife will strike the heart. Click on image for a higher resolution.

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chinese tattoo dragon peace book patience

More Chinese Japanese Kanji Tattoos

Here are even more of the best Chinese Japanese tattoos symbols for men, women, girls, and more. From love to flowers, from koi to sleeves. Click on the image for the full resolution, to search for a specific word in English, hit ‘Ctrl’ + ‘F’ button on your browser. The search box will appear and you can perform a quick search for the word you’ve been searching for.

Chinese Japanese Kanji Tattoos

  1. Spirit, Men, Father, Child, Grandson, Sunrise, Sunset
  2. Soul, Contract, Divorce, Military, Power, Soldier, Ancestor / Clan
  3. Pray, Supreme Being, Immortal Being, Guard / Defend, Listen / Obey, Football, Boxing
  4. Holy / Sacred, Buddha / Buddhism, Temple, God, Minister, Heaven / Sky, Gate of Heaven

Chinese Japanese Kanji Tattoos

  1. Uncle, Sage, Talisman, Butterfly, Mantis, Spider, Centipede
  2. Husband, Elder Brother, Younger Brother, Rich, Gamble, Genius, Crown
  3. Laugh / Smile, Flower, Rose, Master, Teacher, Ruler / Monarch, King
  4. Cheerful, Eternity, Friends, Married Couple, Wife, Mother, Grandmother

Chinese Japanese Kanji Tattoos

  1. Win, Wolf
  2. Strong, Crazy
  3. Taboo, Treasure
  4. Shit, Battle

Chinese Japanese Kanji Tattoos

  1. Angel, Last
  2. Heaven, Jihad
  3. Space, Murder
  4. Sun, Doll
  5. Moonshine, C eschatology

kanji tattoo

  1. God, Goddess
  2. Kill, Rock
  3. Sound, Secret
  4. Evil, Daybreak
  5. Death, Metal
  6. Black, Master

Tattoo fonts for women

  1. Foolish, Violate / Attack, Deceive / Bully, Mentally Deranged / Insane, Violent / Hot Tempered, Grave, Feareful / Intimidate
  2. Humble, Devious / Evil, Mad / Crazy, Kill, Slaughter, Strong, Fierce
  3. Defiance / Tough, Poison, Sinister / Secret, Interrogate, Beat / Torture, Butcher, Decapitate
  4. Obscene, Dirty / Filthy, Corpse, Prisoner, Execute Criminal, Fight, Barbarians / Savages
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Tragedy Happiness Wisdom

  1. Tragedy, Happiness, Wisdom

Top 50 Popular Japanese Kanji Tattoos

If you are looking for basic kanji characters that are popular and meaningful, here are 50 of them. To search for the calligraphy font, Google the word in brackets under Google Images. Here is an example of ‘The Code of Samurai (Bushidou)

  1. Ambition (Yabou)
  2. Beauty (Bi)
  3. Belief (Shinnen)
  4. Bravery (Yuukan)
  5. Buddhism (Bukkyou)
  6. Courage (Yuuki)
  7. The Code of Samurai (Bushidou)
  8. Desire (Yokubou)
  9. Dragon (Ryuu)
  10. Dream (yume)
  11. Enlightenment (Satori)
  12. Eternity (Eien)
  13. Freedom (Jiyuu)
  14. Friendship (Yuujou)
  15. God (Kami)
  16. Happiness (Koufuku)
  17. Honor (Meiyo)
  18. Hope (Kibou)
  19. Ideal (Risou)
  20. Illusion (Gensou)
  21. Justice (Seigi)
  22. Legend (Densetsu)
  23. Love (Ai)
  24. Loyalty (Chuujitsu)
  25. Meditation (Mokusou)
  26. Moon (Tsuki)
  27. Nature (Shizen)
  28. Ocean (Umi)
  29. Passion (Jounetsu)
  30. Peace (Heiwa)
  31. Perfect (Kanzen)
  32. Power (Chikara)
  33. Pride (Hokori)
  34. Promise (Yakusoku)
  35. Rainbow (Niji)
  36. Respect (Sonkei)
  37. Samurai
  38. Secret (Himitsu)
  39. Sky (Sora)
  40. Shogun
  41. Star (Hoshi)
  42. Soul (Tamashii)
  43. Spirit (Seishin)
  44. Success (Seikou)
  45. Sun (Taiyou)
  46. Truth (Shinjitsu)
  47. Universe (Uchuu)
  48. Victory (Shouri)
  49. Wisdom (Chie)
  50. Zen

Some Interesting Facts About Tattoo

Some truth, history and facts regarding tattoos.

tattoo infographic


  1. Gravatar

    bad handwriting
    Spirit, Men, Father, Child, Grandson, Sunrise, Sunset
    Soul, Contract, Divorce, Military, Power, Soldier, Ancestor / Clan
    Pray, Supreme Being, Immortal Being, Guard / Defend, Listen / Obey, Football, Boxing
    Holy / Sacred, Buddha / Buddhism, Temple, God, Minister, Heaven / Sky, Gate of Heaven
    Uncle, Sage, Talisman, Butterfly, Mantis, Spider, Centipede
    Husband, Elder Brother, Younger Brother, Rich, Gamble, Genius, Crown
    Laugh / Smile, Flower, Rose, Master, Teacher, Ruler / Monarch, King
    Cheerful, Eternity, Friends, Married Couple, Wife, Mother, Grandmother
    Foolish, Violate / Attack, Deceive / Bully, Mentally Deranged / Insane, Violent / Hot Tempered, Grave, Feareful / Intimidate
    Humble, Devious / Evil, Mad / Crazy, Kill, Slaughter, Strong, Fierce
    Defiance / Tough, Poison, Sinister / Secret, Interrogate, Beat / Torture, Butcher, Decapitate
    Obscene, Dirty / Filthy, Corpse, Prisoner, Execute Criminal, Fight, Barbarians / Savages

    This is certainly not my writing.

    I think you are mistaken in your interpretation
    休=Stop(not Divorce)
    帝(XX大帝、皇帝)=King(King of XX)
    宗=Clan(messy writing)
    蚣not good(蜈蚣is Better)
    終末(Strange 盡頭is Better)
    歪、艮、淫、慘劇What a joke???not good for Tatoo
    知惠is japanese

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      Satomi [ Reply ]

      Great job brother! 休みのたびに離婚してたらたまらんわ

  2. Gravatar

    I am wonder if any body knows what (mental strength)looks like in japanese kanji

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      Usually you wouldn’t find good words in Japanese/Chinese that corresponding to your English words.
      What you think attractive is not as attractive for Japanese. (At the same time, what Japanese think is attractive is not attractive for you, because of cultural difference.)
      I would descrive ‘mental strength’ as 忍 which means patiency in both Japanese and Chinese, also is a famous Kanji (for Non-Japanese people) because it is the first charactor of Ninja/忍者(Ninja literally means ‘a patient guy’) in Japan. Japanese people would think ‘Oh that is a typical foreigner who Japanese culture’. But at least nobody would think that is stupid.

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        Stephen cole [ Reply ]

        Could you help me to decipher my friends tattoo she was told it meant beautiful but I can’t find it anywhere

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          Satomi [ Reply ]

          美?it means beauty. I have 美 in my name ;)
          綺麗 means beautiful, too but not so much as 美.


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          NobiNobi [ Reply ]

          How do you say “my birth is an error” in kanji

  3. Gravatar

    Many mistake and bad writings in 4×7 boxes

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      Joshua [ Reply ]

      Brother, do you know what it will be “enrich the soul” in kanji ?

  4. Gravatar
    Seth MacKenzie [ Reply ]

    Does anyone happen to know how “With Pain Comes Strength” would be written in kanji ?

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      Ngan Tengyuen [ Reply ]

      I advice you to seek advice from a professor that is dual-lingual. Tattoo is permanent, you do not want a bad mistake.

    • Gravatar
      Satomi [ Reply ]

      Sounds close.
      It means
      “The ground is stronger after rain.”
      Close to
      “A broken bone is the stronger when it is well set.”

  5. Gravatar
    Sandra Lopez [ Reply ]

    Hi I’m new here, I do have 5 different cultures but I do have Japanese and Chinese..

  6. Gravatar
    japhorism [ Reply ]

    Hi! Numerous opportunities to observe foreigners with kanji tattoos arise in Japan, both via the internet and when walking around town. Being Japanese, this makes me very happy and I admire their wonderful designs and the messages contained therein. However, you can also often see designs that make no sense whatsoever or contain mistakes in the characters themselves. I created this website because I think that if youʼre going to inscribe something permanently on your body, it is better to thoroughly understand the meaning of it, and to be certain that these are enduring words to live by or an important message. I will be happy if my site is even slightly helpful to anyone thinking about getting a kanji tattoo design.

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      I’m looking for the same word that means warrior in Japanese and chinese

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        Satomi [ Reply ]

        As a Japanese, 武者 looks cool.

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      Summer [ Reply ]

      I would like to know what faith, love and hope are in kanji. I’ve seen them together written in a total of 3 characters. But i’ve also seen hope and faith written in 2 characters each.

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        Satomi [ Reply ]

        愛 for love. There’s only one word.
        信 for faith but more like “trust”.
        希望、希 for hope. 希望 is a noun. 希 actually needs み but we can understand the meaning. We like to put 希 for names.

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          Hey hi my friend is having a tatoo but he really doesn’t know the meaning of it . Will you help me out to find it

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      Yrlene [ Reply ]

      I want to throughly understand the eternity kanji tattoo

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    Mikael [ Reply ]

    Brotherhood in Kanji

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      Satomi [ Reply ]

      It’s “兄弟愛” nothing wrong with it we can totally understand what you mean and you have lovely siblings BUT it is Google translated word. We don’t say it . I never said it.
      Instead, how about “絆” the bond or “繋”the connection? It doesn’t mention any family members unfortunately, but we do use to describe our family or friendship and we write one on our photos. We like to keep it between us, not showing it all off.

  8. Gravatar
    Michelle L Mastriana [ Reply ]

    I love the Japanese culture…and kanji !

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    Theresa [ Reply ]

    What is granddaughter sign in Japanese

  10. Gravatar

    Miserable symbol in kanji please

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      Satomi [ Reply ]

      There’re too many words and kanjis for miserable and it all mean different. Would be easier for us to pick some up If you have any backstories.

      貧 means poor. No money. No food. Have only 2 when others have 1000.(ex
      不幸 means unhappy, unhappiness. Bad things will come to you if you choose it to get tattooed.
      哀 means sad. Are you crying? What happened?

  11. Gravatar
    Eric Vaidich [ Reply ]

    I would like to know the right characters for( Family forever) in kanji….. I’m getting my sons foot prints on my arm and I want these characters by them

  12. Gravatar
    Dezmin Marshall [ Reply ]

    How do you say “With pain, comes strength” in Chinese symbols?

  13. Gravatar
    Nathalie Vazquez [ Reply ]

    I need help how to write and translate the work BLESEED in Japanese. I looking into getting blessed as a tattoo and want to be 100% before get it done.

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    Tamara [ Reply ]

    How do you write ” always with you”in kanji?

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      麒麟(Giraffe) [ Reply ]

      I am Japanese.(I’m using a translator.)In Japan, “always together” will use the following kanji.

      ①一蓮托生(Translated literally, it means that you are born into one lotus. Buddhist teachings, good and bad, refer to me and you having the same fate and staying together until death.As a side note, I feel that more than half of the Japanese are not religious and are not Buddhists. I think the words are cool, but I’m just extracting the meaning and using it, not as a Buddhist word.As a side note, I feel that more than half of the Japanese are not religious and are not Buddhists. I think the words are cool, but I’m just extracting the meaning and using it, not as a Buddhist word.)
      ②運命共同体 (In literal translation, 運命= destiny, 共同体= community. I don’t feel any discomfort when I hear this word in Japan.)
      ③ズッ友(=ずっと友達。 All the time friends。This word has a lot of laughter, so people who can’t make a joke will laugh at it. I like it, but I don’t want it to be a tattoo. As a side note ズッ=japanese Katakana, 友=kanji)

      Well, it doesn’t matter which one you choose.
      To add my advice, it seems that using two or more collocations for kanji is better for Japanese sensibility than one kanji.
      For example:
      good 空(sky),
      so good 蒼穹 or 蒼天(蒼=blue,穹or天=sky)
      Recommendation level ① ≫ ②
      If you choose ③, everyone in Japan will respect your sensibility. But it is inevitable that you will be laughed at.

  15. Gravatar
    Bjarki Halldorsson [ Reply ]

    How do you write the word positive or positivity

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      Satomi [ Reply ]

      It also means “the sun. the blight side”
      I’m Japanese living in Shizuoka.
      Oh wow it also has a meaning of “root of the space”! Wow so cool! You should go for it!

      It actually needs one more kanji(気) but that sounds you’re not so smart. Can’t explain so well, but somehow I feel so. And feels like missing a noun after 陽気 since it is adjective.

  16. Gravatar
    NobiNobi [ Reply ]

    What is the kanji for “My birth was an error”

  17. Gravatar
    Sidharth [ Reply ]

    Hello Guys,
    I want to get my first tattoo in Kanji/hanzi.
    I want two words Life Death written on my wrist.
    生死 are these the right words for translating life death.
    Please Confirm if you know the meaning of these words. And also is it okay to get these?
    Thank you

  18. Gravatar
    Phoenix [ Reply ]

    How do you write ~FIRE LUST GODDESS~? In Kanji or Chinese?

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